The Russians Installed A GPS-Jammer In Ukraine. The Ukrainians Blew It Up—With A GPS-Guided Bomb. to World – 515 points –
The Russians Installed A GPS-Jammer In Ukraine. The Ukrainians Blew It Up—With A GPS-Guided Bomb.

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I do wonder what the impact will be on Russia’s military equipment export business thanks to this war. It’s pretty clear now how inferior their tech is compared to the west.

I think they are currently also having a massive brain drain with their educated population simply leaving elsewhere to get better pay and not get drafted.


If you are a college educated Russian reading this, please consider motivating all in your influence to move to another country that is not the Russian Federation; USA will pay you better and treat you better with your knowledge and talents and is a country occupied entirely by immigrants from every culture, so you will not have trouble finding your community.

That's been happening since the collapse of the USSR. What we are seeing is a feedback loop.

The over quarter of a million casualties certainly isn’t helping them either

If you are a college educated Russian reading this, please consider motivating all in your influence to move to another country that is not the Russian Federation

That sounds like a great way for a college educated Russian to get themselves locked up for decades. The better advice is to just get out without telling anyone you're planning to.

Terrible morrale, few people supporting the war, the rest forced into this stupid war and with the world donating their war tech to ukraine it would be hard to come out on top

Russia filled a niche of cheaper AND no strings. Their arms exports have collapsed post Ukraine, but that's also partly because they've diverted arms to their own war effort.

China and India have largely picked up the slack, but I believe it's mostly China.

South Korea has also greatly expanded it's arms industry in the past decade, especially it's naval yards, but I think they mostly compete with Western firms.