Republicans help torpedo resolution to censure Tlaib over Israel criticism to politics – 159 points –
Republicans help torpedo resolution to censure Tlaib over Israel criticism

Highlights: The vote was something of a surprise: Tlaib, a staunch liberal who’s been harshly critical of Israel, has few fans in the GOP when it comes to Middle Eastern politics. It’s unclear why several Republicans came to her rescue during Wednesday’s vote.

The censure resolution — sponsored by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — had accused Tlaib of “leading an insurrection” for her participation in an anti-war protest last month at the Capitol, organized by Jewish groups, which featured scores of arrests.

Pro-Israel Democrats, who might have been inclined to censure Tlaib’s comments, had hammered Greene for her inaccurate characterization of a peace protest — albeit a rowdy one — and for sensationalizing Tlaib’s role in orchestrating it. They were also leery that Greene’s “insurrectionist” language had trivialized the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Trump.


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Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — had accused Tlaib of “leading an insurrection”

I know Margie is as dumb as the day is long, but did she really forget what leading an insurrection actually looks like already?

No, she intentionally used this language to dilute the impact of the actual, real, attempted insurrection on Jan 6. She's trying to normalize the phrase so people don't associate the word with violently storming the capitol trying to hang the vice president.

Just like how Trump has started calling the January 6th insurrectionists that were sentenced to jail "the J6 Hostages." It's meant to both evoke images of people being wrongly held against their will by an evil group and to trivialize the word "hostage."

Yep, they've been calling every protest at the Capitol an insurrection, so they can lump Jan 6th into the bucket of 'protests at the Capitol', which are basically a weekly occurrence that typically don't even make the news.

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Isn't this the Karl Rove strategy? Accuse your opponents of the things that you're guilty of so it muddies the waters if they accuse you?

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