Australian police arrest host of lunch that left 3 guests dead from suspected mushroom poisoning to World – 87 points –
Australian police arrest host of lunch that left 3 guests dead from suspected mushroom poisoning

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"Murder in Victoria carries a potential maximum sentence of 15 years in prison." Now that's wild.

It's actually 25, there was a typo in the article that they fixed.

Why? Prison is supposed to be rehabilitative. In America it is 100% punitive instead, but Australia retains like 25% of the rehabilitation concept.

I'm all for rehabilitation. But according to the University of Adelaide, almost half of prisoners released in 2018-19 returned to prison within two years. Not much rehabilitation going on there. Also, if we're talking about rehabilitation, fixed lengths for prison sentences make no sense. A prisoner should then be released into society when they have been rehabilitated, not after a fixed amount of years.

I agree, hence why I said Australia is like 25% still about rehab, were 75% like the US where it's just punitive. If we actually moved towards proper rehab like some European states then we'd see improvement in outcomes.

It's actually 25. But it's amazing to think that people in Florida can get 30 years just for possessing some weed. I think it might be the US that has the problem here.