People: Six Flags Is Merging with Company That Owns Cedar Point and Knott's Berry Farm to – 109 points –
Six Flags Is Merging with Company That Owns Cedar Point and Knott's Berry Farm

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Yay! Another megacorp to water down anything unique about these megaproperties!

Not like six flags is a loss of anything

They're joining and becoming 6 flags, which feels like it is a major loss.

I've been to most other parks around SoCal and never had any interest in seeing Knotts Berry Farm as they don't really have any interesting attractions. This can't make that any worse.

Cedar point spoiled us in the Midwest. Like, a legitimate life changing coaster every 5 or so years. At least I'll always have the memories.

I'm sad to hear Knotts wasn't cooler.

And it's like what's next, they're gonna be bought out by Disney?

First they’ll buy King’s Dominion and Universal Studios, then they’ll open a super park in Florida’s natural rival: Washington.

Then Dolly Parton will buy the new company and make it actually good.