Maybe this isn't proper shopping but $18.50 for four veggie burgers, buns, and danish seems like a lot to Mildly – 279 points –

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That is kind of what you get when you buy super processed foods. If you want to save money you have to buy low processed foods. For example, you can get a 3lb bag of apples ($5), 5 cans of beans ($5), 2lb carrots ($2), 5 lbs Potatoes ($5) for the same price.

i mean i wouldn't call bread super processed food, that just sounds silly

It really is. Stuff you can get fresh at a bakery in France? Not that processed. The bread they bake at the grocery store? Probably fairly processed. They often put a lot of crap in there, and

The stuff made in a factory, like most hamburger buns? That stuff is generally so processed it's almost a lie to call it bread. It would take a chemistry degree to make that from only things you could harvest personally

maybe wherever you live, but here in sweden at least a lot of the time bread is just straight up baked in the store, and most pre-packaged bread is only slightly removed from that.

hell a lot of the pre-packaged bread is specifically wholesome, and at least from one brand it doesn't even contain any preservatives or emulsifiers, literally just normal bread ingredients and a pinch of sugar.