18 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Man that eee pc, disks, and ipod are an instant nostalgia trigger for me. I miss my net books. Not enough to go buy one though.

I feel like linux users benefit the most from arm since we can build our software natively for arm with access to the source code.

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I wonder if part of the reason is that apple deprecated opengl on mac os and replaced it with their property graphics api Metal. I image it would be a lot of work to port the source the engine to Metal just for a small amount of users.

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Godot is fantastic! I really want it to become the Blender of game engines.

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That's only for minorities and poor people.

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This is such a great photo. I love all the colors and flowing lines/curves. The over saturation really helps with the surreal vibes.

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That sounds depressing

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At first I was like WTF but actually it makes sense. A screen showing an error code is much better than a hard reset, blinking cursor, kernel panic, or just black screen you usually get when something bad happens on linux.

I wonder if one day we will reach a turning point where only opensource/federated services will be around because everything else destroys its self in seek of more profit.

I'm very interested in these.

Good, this happened to me! I had my phone in the cup holder of my car while driving down a dirt road and bumps pressed the power enough to make it emergency call 911. It scared the shit out of me cause the phone also starting make a horrible alarm/siren sound.

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The colors are so great in this photo. Great work Stamets

That is kind of what you get when you buy super processed foods. If you want to save money you have to buy low processed foods. For example, you can get a 3lb bag of apples ($5), 5 cans of beans ($5), 2lb carrots ($2), 5 lbs Potatoes ($5) for the same price.

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As a person who commutes by bicycle this scares me.

That's awesome! The system76 stuff looks so cool.

I really love Darktable.

I think krita has an animation module and blender has the new grease pencil. I don't have experience with ether or 2d animation though.

Krita Animation docs

Looks cute! I wonder how good the typing is on it.

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It's still in use... by the pack rats. I don't know how they build nests out of cholla cactus and survive.

Yeah, I should be more clear. I'm talking about laptops that the manufacture openly supports or ships a linux distro with it. I just assume OP already knows he can do a bit of research and get a decent $300 laptop from like lenovo/acer/hp/dell/etc.. and install linux on it.

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Nah, usually some of the lights are out and there is mushy spots on the ceiling.

There shtick is privacy. They are selling privacy oriented machines which is a value add for people who need device privacy but don't have the bandwidth to to setup and audit everything themselves. The service they are selling is more privacy then value budget hardware.

I think the blender institute self-hosts with git tea.

I'm excited for this handheld. I'm planning on picking one up just to support more foss based hardware.

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When I installed ubuntu on my surface go 2 it was as easy as there is good known documentation on it. Only thing is you want to pick up a usb c dock to plug a keyboard along with the installation media.

There is some info here about the hike: I also hiked from the oracle ridge trail. It is on national forest land and open to the public as far I know. The writing on the wall in the back says "if must use keep clean"

Mines out for delivery today. I'm so hyped. I got the special edition one.

edit: Just got it. It's beautiful

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Those look really cool! I wonder what the installation process is like. I installed tannus solid tires on my commuter bike and I like them but they where a nightmare to install. My arm and shoulder where sore for like a week after I put them on because of how much pressure and finesse it took to get the 200 or so plastic pins to pop into the rim. At least I'm confident they will never come off on there own.

I love the colors!

Unfortunately, the new FOSS linux laptop scene is basically the pine book pro for less then $250 or Framework/System76/Tuxedo for greater than $900 with nothing in-between.

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Good luck getting near it. It has a mote of dead cholla cactus spines around it. They are very stably with micro barbs so they rip your skin when you pull them out.

I've been enjoying ubuntu on my surface go 2. You can pick one up used for less than $200. Go for an 8gb model. Everything worked for me except the webcam.

Hey! It's on edge of the Ironwood national monument down Mile Wide road. Cool seeing someone else from Tucson here.

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So there revenue model is to sell the os to OEM and offer support? Good luck with that.

They have this old fountain with cactus growing out of it. It's great

The Catalina Mountains in Tucson AZ. Also known as Mt. Lemmon

Thank! It's on the North side of the Santa Catalina Mountains in Tucson AZ. Also known as Mt Lemmon.

As a person who enjoys clean air I approve of this.

It's $500 for a 7840u. It's not bad IMO.