Guy Who Sucks At Being A Person Sees Huge Potential In AI to – 222 points –
Guy Who Sucks At Being A Person Sees Huge Potential In AI

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This, but like, unironically. It's literally an averaging machine. Sure, not everyone can be above-average in everything, but if you think it produces really good texts, maybe your standards just aren't very high...

I don’t use as much now, but there was a period where I was using ChatGPT where it was great for just laying down the scaffolding for what I was going to write. It’s an incredible tool for getting out of writers block for D&D and such.

Unironically I think that writing broad strokes of fiction is one of the best uses for LLMs. One of my first real personal tests for ChatGPT was having it create a test DnD campaign and it did a great job for the most part.

If I were running a campaign, I'd definitely use it as a helper.

It's not an average machine though. It's a non-linear predictive system. Averages suck in non-linear predictions