Tourist faces $24,550 fine for carving his and girlfriend’s name into Colosseum to – 147 points –

A tourist filmed carving his and his girlfriend’s name into the walls of the Roman Colosseum faces a huge fine as Italian authorities vow to find the man.


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If I had a nickel for every time some shithead tourist carved a name into an ancient site, I'd have like three nickels, which isn't a lot but it's infuriating it's happened three times.

In the interests of prevention, should there be heightened security? It's a shame there's probably little funding for it.

it's happened waaaayyyy more than three times. happens all the freaking time. and it's always happened.

Actually, studies done of graffiti found in pompei's baths suggest that drawing dicks on the wall is something "we've" always done.

Funnily enough I caught a guy in Pompei touching the frescos. I'm a mild guy but I couldn't help but think that, as far as mankind is involved, killing that idiot on the spot would have have a net positive impact on the world.

Just wait for the next volcano... that'll take care of 'em. That'll take care of a whole lot of 'em.