1 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I wish I could just make an account.

"Far right buffoonery" starts with people batching about how they're being """censored""" for saying slurs or trying to have "honest conversations about race" or whatever.

Nip 'em in the bud and voila, no Nazis on your kbin.

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Through constant vigilance, anyways. Every time you see some little fuck dogwhistling about FREE SPEECH or CENSORSHIP, you gotta make sure they aren't welcome in these parts.

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Babe wake up, new scam for idiots just dropped

I went and looked at tildes as a result of this, and it seems aggressively dead. Like, the fediverse is pretty dead and tildes makes it look positively thriving in comparison. Yeesh.

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Hopefully this means there are accounts on Mastodon actually worth interacting with. Like 99.9999% of posts on Mastodon are literally just about Mastodon, or stupid tech shit I don't care about.

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Bungiefan_ak appears to have literally two hobbies, and they're being anti-piracy and actively a fascist.

Funny how that works out.

I'm not sure where "global communism" and "fascist state headed by Vladimir Putin" intersect, but it sure ain't anywhere sane. Defederation from the Lemmygrad school of insanity seems like a grand old time.

They're annoying, like over-caffeinated teenagers, and they like to use what I presume are something like Twitch emotes that don't work outside of hexbear, which looks really stupid.

I don't think they're evil or anything, but they're just so universally awful to deal with that I can fully support immediate no-questions-asked defederation. They're the fediverse equivalent of a decent enough guy who just fucking reeks because they refuse to ever shower or wear deodorant.

It's probably all of them.

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Not surprised, given the political climate of the university.

The subreddit for Waterloo is kinda infamous rife with incel shit. It's a tiny microcosm of the culture there, and I'm not surprised it boiled over.

You know, I don't know if I want him dead in prison or squealing like a stuck pig more. I'm inclined towards Team Sellout on an intellectual level, but his corpse slumped in a concrete box has a certain visceral appeal.

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Hope the moderation gets more aggressive soon, or this place is fuuuucked. There's already like three the_donald magazines.

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I will never understand the appeal of these awful little men and their screeching little chats. They're all so loud and irritating.

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It's not great, tbh. People just want to lurk, not potentially get shit on for what they're boosting.

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This user's entire post history is hating artists and actively praising fascism.

Specifically artists, even. Very odd.

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I was gonna say "wow, we're reaching new levels of pathetic", but this is actually a pretty common low to sink to, when you think about it. Still funny, though, which I think really speaks to the immortality of watching someone debase themselves for grade-A Loser Clout.

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It's also a hell of a lot clunkier. For all the talk of federation, it can be a total pain in the ass to view content on a non-native instance. Edits not loading, boosts/upvotes not taking, some posts just not showing up at all...

If I had a nickel for every time some shithead tourist carved a name into an ancient site, I'd have like three nickels, which isn't a lot but it's infuriating it's happened three times.

In the interests of prevention, should there be heightened security? It's a shame there's probably little funding for it.

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All of the good Google results point at Reddit. You know how hard it is to get anything done without Reddit comments?

There's no reason to provide "genuine criticism" to a rabid dog.

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Nobody knows what the damn boost button actually does. Upvote's nice and simple.

Morrowind does a lot better than Skyrim, but the attribute system is not one of them. Playing like a lunatic trying to maximize your attribute points per level is kind of a nightmare.

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What an excellent example of the kind of person who can fuck right off and out of the fediverse forever.

What can we do to chase good ol' fascist OP from the fediverse forever?

Lemmy seems worse and worse all the time. A completely unannounced bootleg defederation... for what appears to be absolutely no reason? Are the instance admins insane?

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Tragic that it wasn't destroyed, both for the flavour win of hucking it in a volcano, and the moral victory of fucking over MtG finance types.

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OP is a panicky buffoon who essentially wants the Internet to become a series of unhinged mountain hermits, because having more than one person per instance is OVERCENTRALIZATION THE CORPOS ARE COMING AAAAAAAAAAA

I wouldn't worry about it. I'd worry that there's no good way of exporting a federated "kbin account" to another instance if one becomes compromised in some way, or goes down permanently, which both hypothetically solves OP's insane paranoid rambling and more practical concerns.

I wonder if Huffman is also a far right extremist? Would make sense with his """democratic""" desire to strikebreak and his refusal to remove subreddits that spout hate speech.

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You and me both, my friend in foliage.

Fast food's become preposterously expensive, so I basically refuse to partake of anything I can make myself.

As a result, Osmow's. Making my own shawarma is outside my ability, so this is the one place I can see myself regularly visiting. God I love shawarma.

OP doesn't know what an API is. They've shown they have effectively no idea what they're talking about.

Physical media also fades over time, unfortunately. The most realistic solution is unironically digital piracy; "keep circulating the tapes" can keep digital media alive indefinitely. It's not enough for the publisher to keep putting out copies, bootlegs are preservation, too.

I have no desire to have fascists exist on this platform "out of sight" any more than I have any desire to have a festering pile of dogshit swept under my rug instead of properly cleaned up.

If someone was planning to kill your family on an instance, would you just "block and be done with it?" What if it was anyone who looked like you, spoke your language? That's what needs to be eliminated; threats to innocent people that you've decided just aren't worth your time.

does not censor hate speech

federated with everyone

Yeah okay OP someone definitely isn't some flavour of racist

Good. If the concept of not tolerating hate speech bothers you, get out.

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I kinda dislike it, honestly. I'm so used to constant withering hostility that the lack of slurs and snide insinuations about my parentage is genuinely kind of uncomfortable.

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There are no people I find interesting. I cannot stress this enough, Mastodon has absolutely jack shit for content. A hashtag with relevancy to me might have two posts, EVER, both from dead accounts.

It is a barren wasteland. I am very much tired of people assuming I want to be spoonfed content when I just want there to be any content at all.

Tildes is a hideously ugly walled-garden circlejerk from the little I've seen of it, seems neat but is very low-population (and without the fedi crossover I'm not sure if it'll survive), and I've never even heard of Raddle before this.

"Lurking" usually doesn't preclude voting, from my understanding of the term.