It was a struggle, honestly... to – 219 points –

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Morrowind does a lot better than Skyrim, but the attribute system is not one of them. Playing like a lunatic trying to maximize your attribute points per level is kind of a nightmare.

Yeah, and having a long experience doing that in Oblivion didn't really help me much due to it being much less forgiving (particularly dice-roll attacks). Open-world also kinda screws you over on first playthrough (particularly if you do a bad build), like how you might not actually get relevant equipment early on.

Though my 1st Oblivion run was funny (and salvageable), with Morrowind I basically had to run from everything (yes, I had the cliff racers moment) and progress seemed much slower (and meta-learning curve higher) to the point that I (a person with a lot of free time) gave up on it.

I much prefer the Fallout (3/NV) experience/level system even though it's less "immersive", I like that it just gives you the choice plus new ways of altering gameplay feel (both perks and checks) particularly when it does more than a simple stat change.

Though even this system I feel could be simplified in some ways and explored/expanded in others (I was writing ideas down at one point). ...but thus far even trying that is way beyond non-dev me, particularly the content that'd make it worthwhile. That and the violence aspect seems a bit weird (then again that's kind of part of the core loop, and usually games in general).

Meaningful Attributes, awesome. Level up system that requires OCD level min maxing, not awesome.