1 Post – 334 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Love to see it. Not shocked, though.

For an opposite example, the creator of a niche programming language that is the only one I'm interested in (it's really great, and I haven't seen anything that comes close to fitting the same place) said something at-very-least stupid which was the final straw that caused a core developer (nearly co-creator? created the package manager+installer, wrote a book) to quit. And it already had a low bus-factor.

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you're telling me a cat fried this ice

Wouldn't have been difficult to sleuth using my profile here, but Nim-lang. Specifically because it's basically an all-in-one, being easy and fast+capable+flexible. Maybe not enough to go by (and I didn't finish/release it), but some code that I actually wrote (+what it's loading)

For further context on the statement by the creator, it was complaining about the "grammar" of singular they. Aside from that being an obvious culture-war BS dogwhistle, the person who quit knew them closely so I don't think it was an overreaction or misunderstanding.


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hWhat the hell is polywork? Next thing you're telling me you're apartment-fluid.

Not gonna make it because you're an overtimecel.

A called-up shorty! Busting it down, burnout-gigw- hustler-style.

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I see ice-cream this tall and think:

It was a streaming site that pulled from a large amount of other sources automatically.

Funnily enough it didn't have any discovery features whatsoever (no front page, popular, latest etc), it was just a search bar that took you right into the video so you needed an idea what it is you wanted to see. And I don't think it was nearly as popular as other sites (like you probably weren't finding it from search results, as I don't think it even had the info that'd be grabbed, and probably didn't even have SEO or anything like that)

Bernie is great... but that's not how FPtP voting works, and I don't think Bernie would even consider running unless Biden dropped out and endorsed him.

Bernie didn't even run in the primary, probably because it doesn't make sense to run against an incumbent.

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It's probably stuff being less "indie" than it appears on the surface. Both of those games you listed appear to have successful publishers, one behind Maplestory and multi-million (in USD) net income (also largest shareholder is investment firm, Maplestory NFTs). The other has more games (and significantly more DLC) on Steam.

That doesn't really answer your question, well aside from saying money. Though there may be a deeper connection as well (shareholders having hands in everything etc)

Reminder on Stockholm syndrome:

According to accounts by Kristin Enmark (one of the hostages): the police were acting incompetently, with little care for the hostages' safety.

She had criticized the police for pointing guns at the convicts while the hostages were in the line of fire, and she had told news outlets that one of the captors tried to protect the hostages from being caught in the crossfire

but the prime minister [Palme] told her that she would have to content herself with dying at her post rather than Palme giving in to the captors' demands.

Ultimately, Enmark explained she was more afraid of the police, whose attitude seemed to be a much larger, direct threat to her life than the robbers.

Which could possibly be relevant here, particularly the civil war part.

Yes, go to the settings page (notifications section). They seem to have been off by default.

Note that notifications may still be late for whatever reason.


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Them: "I want to stab."
Me: "I want to get stabbed."
Gov't: "Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?"

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There likely could be other benefits to them sharing such as:

  1. when there is more than they can use, particularly that the mushroom does not like in their environment
  2. producing more leaves is likely highly beneficial for the mushroom, for shade both living and fallen, nutrients and cover with fallen leaves.

Similar for the tree, but also mushrooms are recycling minerals from dead material.

I don't know if there'd be "stingy" trees (aside from vastly different nutrient needs), I could see it more of miscommunication or having too much difference with language/biologic pathways. EDIT: Also I gotta imagine that giant trees don't even bother counting it for mushrooms so long as they aren't stressed. Sugar water is in the grid, take as much as you want.

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As a fun aside, unauthorized sharing is the only reason I tried and bought the game back in early beta days before there was a demo (friend A owned, friend B didn't, I tried it from friend B's unauthorized copy of friend A's game and got the copy too, later gave friend A $20 and info to activate my account because I didn't have internet at home).

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You should obviously get Pop-Secret.

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I backed up all of my own files except the jars apparently (because when you download every one they added up, and I didn't do that when the servers were at stake). I even had a launcher still logged in but none of the files will download now. Prism is lame (but understandable, I guess) in that it just says "contact microsoft support if you didn't migrate" or something like that, but you can just copy over accounts.json from polymc to use an offline acct. Though a few mods I've tried don't work (and I feel like mod discoverability might not be the best?).

Also a small bit not directly in reply to you: I'm pretty sure this is actually the second migration too, at least for accounts that were started on the minecraft website (username-->email login+mojang acct). But of course searches only give info on this one.

The problem's your ass.

Being serious, I'm not sure how you eat enough bread to cause this unless you have some sort of stomach-related-issue or gluten intolerance or something. Unless you just eat way too much bread and then mix it with something that it reacts with?

That's another 2 violations, Harry.

Seeing unknown: "What's he building in there? ...we have a right to know."

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That's the neat part, you can't. Unless you can fix healthcare, housing/transportation, money etc (even if you could, it wouldn't be the same as if those were never problems in the first place). That or the old escapist dream of "get me out of here" but I also don't ever see that happening for a lot of reasons. So again, no.

Even trying to broaden the definition of help... things are probably too personal, too difficult/specific, and maybe even inconsequential. Like the type of thing there just isn't an answer for.

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where do I sign

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So how are they achieving that, what ingredient is not listed?

Ingredients I see (at least on the search result from the official website, likely cached) say blue corn and blue 1.

The page itself with talk of the 2023 version doesn't list anything about blue (and explicitly says in the FAQ that there's no dye), so maybe they gave up on that.

Also religious in the deep south AND a pastor. He must've been seeing Green-Goblin hallucinations but with Kenneth Copeland instead of Willem Dafoe.

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So he conned himself. A common thing for grifters when their schemes aren't actually that smart.

(but at least he got that jawbreaker)

Nah that'd scare all the locals away and then some teenagers and their dog would come and get you arrested, possibly harming you (with a makeshift device and/or accidental high-speed tackle*) in the process.

*=Most likely involving multiple people trapped inside a giant water jug and being propelled by a minecart, so you'll probably break a rib or two when they smash you into a wall and then get a concussion when a shelf breaks over your head, leaving you with amnesia but still responsible for the fines (+medical bills) and prison sentence because of a silly scheme and mild fraud/insider-trading that you obviously have no recollection of.

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Given only one player, it's basically just informal yoga.

All a lady would need to do is ask, and rent a pneumatic spear gun. Unfortunately the government would punish this and I don't believe they'd accept it as euthanasia even if that was legal here. Typical.

I could see it being a real thing. When you're making a game it gives you visualization for animations (both physics and visual-only) and shaders (maybe even a simplified stylized version). Random benchmark results/debug info. Drawing attention to syntax mistakes. An important email or video call pops up.

It would be cool and potentially useful, but completely un-asked for and likely distracting and a waste of space. Basically what if your computer was a non-cartoon clippy.

I'm not sure I'm ready for that so just skip to the last part and use a cast-iron one-egg skillet.

Seems to me more like they repeated all their old mistakes and made new ones. The engine might've slowed development (and gave some influences/limits etc) but design direction seems to be the issue. Being on-par with their older games would be a step up, it's like they missed the point of why people liked their worlds.

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Because those dots are countries (with vastly different social and economic structures) not people. The people in the lower-income countries probably don't depend on money in their lives as much as people in richer countries do. Your source also lists other reasons.

Also I'd say go back in time here in the US and you'd see something similar here with farm families, but that makes less sense now when land/housing is expensive and giant expensive machinery (that you probably wouldn't trust anybody else with) does much of the work. That and 100 other factors that make it not work like that.

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TBH posting something 4+ times just seems silly with federation, we can all see it and it won't make a difference for anyone browsing new. A bit better now that crossposting exists (grouped for me on Kbin), but still. It might depend on subscribers a little bit but more likely you're just splitting the discussion up as there is no merging solution there yet (same for needing to sub to multiple communities to get all the content, but then probably having mess because of it).

I know there is no perfect way to do this, but posting to the the community that makes the most sense and then later crossposting to other communities (and potentially other instances) to get at-very-least different time exposure might make more sense, even better if it's actually new related content (and you link to the previous post).

One of those games says right in its description that it's a free fan game, another says it's a student project for educational purposes.
Two of these are prologues, full games in wishlist phase. A third is similar, but with an upcoming sequel.
One of them is free-to-play (rather than free-to-keep)

Is there any reason why people think this? Said more in-depth in another comment, but I think the influx happened weeks ago with possibly more people on a wider time-scale or because of some other factors.

Who would wait to join until the last day and why would they? It's not like they need to delete their old account before signing up here.

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Adjusted price is a common talking point here, but it ignores the other side of inflation... that wages have stagnated and rising prices obviously means that people have less spending money.

Consider also that there is a lot of choice with the back catalog on PC as well as free games (that people can make in their spare time at no cost thanks to FOSS tools and free information). Pre-broadband, gaming was more of a take-it-or-leave situation.

So yeah, I think most people already see increasing prices as being motivated by greed. And some people likely see the $60 price as already greedy when games are often filler and spectacle (with poor QA testing on top of that, because they know people will pre-order it anyway, and then buy the later DLC or cosmetics).


Born too late to hear anything more than echoes and escapist fantasy of mutual aid.
Born too early to have any chance of the resulting problems being fixed, or even the chance to be a technology test subject (cryo and/or brain-in-a-jar... without involving a techbro) for some hope of escape.

Born just in time to eat frozen burritos and waste away alone in
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Tried it and was disappointed that it was an additional thing that doesn't hide the default tab bar when enabled. Never ended up using it because of that, plus unreadable tabs is not a daily thing for me.

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I was gonna say that hell is the US healthcare system and needing multiple appointments especially when it involves a long drive and trial-and-error. But apparently hell is still other people (on top of the other stuff).

Either way, good luck. Too bad we aren't to the point where it'd be possible to walk down the street and get some cheap automated help, even if it's just some type of scan that'd streamline things (not that I really trust magic-box AI).

Yeah, one of the things I liked in old versions was having just one type of planks (not having multiple variants of everything wood, particularly). And I've never cared about the bosses or searching for something 50K blocks away from spawn or whatever. The other annoyance is hunger, though eating to insta-heal isn't much better either.

One issue for me is that I really liked the block model system of newer versions (release 1.8), particularly as a resource pack creator. A ladder looks so much better as a few cuboids than it does as a flat texture, and my models (which I made in a text editor) looked a lot nicer than my textures.

Also, never migrated my account. Are the servers to download the old versions from the old launcher even still up?

Minetest could be a solution here, but it seems like most Minetest games are either following new MC's footsteps or are doing something completely different. At least I've never played one that made me want to keep going, something good enough to start my own thing with (I would like chaining sticky pistons or similar things that are powerful in single-player, blocks that look cool but offer specific benefits like an iron grate floor/ceiling).

Parallel timeline mods are interesting, though I am not having luck with trying them thus far and I also doubt the modding tools are there enough especially for me who doesn't want to code in Java. I could also see it interesting if there were an easy way to just disable a large amount of blocks/items/mobs etc and then just add in new stuff... maybe even with data packs especially for this sort of thing.

I am thinking about game mechanics that interact (has anyone tried liquid-like gravel/coal piles yet?) or that just connect simply/are instant (rather than high-throughput automation). Or different systems for healing/buffs/food. Maybe alternate tools/transportation/skybridges etc.

EDIT: So they really added data packs without the ability to make "true" blocks/items (instead still dependent on entities and commands, data overridden not data driven), huh? Guess I shouldn't be surprised.

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I was reminded of one of my favourite paintings: 'Young Woman on her Deathbed.' There’s a striking contrast between the opulence of the bed and her physical deterioration. While she lies amidst luxury, her life ebbs away in her youth. This image serves as a metaphor for our civilisation

The only information I can see says she's dead in the painting:

The first is in the very originality of its subject: the portrait of a dead young woman. A short text in Latin found in the top right-hand corner on the back of the picture even specifies that it is the portrait of a young woman who died at 25 years of age, and that is was painted two hours after her death in 1621


Following the metaphor, is civilization already dead too but some of us just don't know it yet while we're being painted in a much less opulent existence?

Also, More risk! More Risk!