IDF says Hamas attacked troops as they opened Gaza evacuation corridor for civilians to World – 46 points –
IDF says Hamas attacked troops as they opened Gaza evacuation corridor for civilians

The Israel Defense Forces on Saturday accused the Hamas terror group of attacking Israeli troops working to open up a humanitarian corridor for Palestinians to evacuate from northern Gaza to its south.

The military has for weeks been urging northern Gaza residents to evacuate southward, warning them it will be focusing its military efforts on the Gaza City area, the heart of Hamas’s rule and its main base of operations in Gaza. At least 800,000 of some one million residents of the area have done so.


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I shockingly actually think I know what he's referring to. A newspaper clipout that had a picture of a Palestinian boy on the front of an armored truck with his arm tied to the casing that was protecting the front window. It did look pretty old, but it went the rounds on reddit a little while ago. I'd have to look it up again to find it to see what the source was.

Yes. This isn't new.

Here is one report:

The use of Palestinians as human shields ii legal under a technicality and human rights activists had to work hard to get it finally banned, except it's still in use..

Finally here is the story of the 13 year old tied to a jeep:

Do you have anything from the last 10 years?


    Article from 2013.


    Article from 2005 describing the policy change.


    Opinion article from 2022 that claims it's ongoing but cites pages and links describing how it stopped in 2005.


    Article from 2004.

EDIT: I missed a legitimate report from Article 3, covered in Haaretz

Article number 3 describes a case that happened in 2022. Maybe you totally skipped through the first paragraph that takes you here

It's not really an 'opinion' article but yeah whatever

Edit: maybe somehow you skipped some more paragraphs that list another case in 2022. Was it a mistake?

It's published in their opinion section by an author who has only published this one article on MEE, with this disclaimer:

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

Opinion articles tend to rely on sources that have not been formally verified in the journalistic sense. That's why they're disallowed by Rule 3 in the sidebar.

I did skip over the first paragraph - janky formatting on my phone.

Looking at the report linked in the first paragraph - it's published by DCI-P, a nonjournalistic organization. They've been accused of being connected to terrorist funding in the past (apparently with sufficient evidence to make their banks close their accounts), but I don't see them on the OFAC lists so it's not a smoking gun to not trust them. Haaretz covered it, and it does seem to be a legitimate account of using a human shield with no followup prosecution coverage of the forces involved.

The second link is a tweet by an Iranian news station. Iran is not an unbiased source for news about Israel/Palestine.

The embedded tweets (now that they actually load) are referring to the same incident in May 2022. Are you perhaps referring to the May 2002 incident mentioned a few paragraphs later?

From what I can dig up, the IDF did have a policy of using human shields before 2004. But the supreme Court ruled that illegal after 2005.

Namely the "early warning procedure".

I did see some articles referring to other policies, but I couldn't find a neutral source to support those.

Check B'Tselem and other such organizations. They tend to document every single case they encounter.

I've done my research. The last incident I can find is from The early 2000s.

If you have evidence that their contemporary are ROE includes human shields I would love to see it.

The Israeli military are not the heroes here, I'm perfectly happy to admit that, but human shields are bad, we don't want people to be used to shields. As far as I can tell they modified their behavior in 2005 and have not been taking human shields, we should at least give them credit for that in the contemporary conflict, so they're not encouraged to take up human shields again.

With the ongoing genocide, and ethnic cleansing, there's enough criticism to make a damning case anyway.

Again I welcome evidence of human shields in the contemporary conflict

That's not contemporaneous. I believe that's 2004. Again, they used to, but are they doing it in the current conflict?

It happened in 2022.

That's not what the BBC says.


This isn't the one we are disputing. You posted the wrong link.