33 Post – 300 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Where does the 93 come from? The percentage is almost correct, but it should be 11 (1.074%)

And here I was thinking that adding timezones for mars was going to be the biggest timezone headache in the next 5 years.

It is indeed one and the same. This is the post that triggered this article (warning: it's long and not well organized):

Credit where credit is due, DJB is usually correct even if he could communicate it better.

Red circles are deprecated in favor of teal because of accessibility requirement WIP.DOnotUSE.14.g.2025.v0.

I'll try to stick to facts and not mix my opinions in:

  • The area north of Wadi Gaza contains most of Gaza City, and several outlying neighborhoods.
  • Best I can tell, the furthest point in the strip is 15km away from that line. Meaning this is requesting civilians to relocate by 5-20km within 24 hours.
  • Hamas has built an extensive tunnel network underneath Gaza. These tunnels are constructed with reinforced concrete and are used to house both munitions and operational infrastructure.
  • The US has transferred advanced munitions to Israel.

Now for my personal speculation:

  • The advanced munitions are bunker busters.
  • There is a significant risk of buildings collapsing due to the tunnels underneath being destroyed.
  • The intent is to minimize civilian casualties both from the immediate airstrikes and from potential building collapse.
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Whatever you do, make sure that you learn legally and avoid those horrible sites that steal the hard work of researchers and prevent publishers from properly incentivizing academic research by allowing just anyone to download research for free. You know, horrible sites like LibGen, SciHub, or Anna's archive.

Totally disgusting sites that you should definitely avoid.

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The headline is misleading. From the article:

Dror Eydar, Israel’s former ambassador to Italy ... who is also a columnist with the Israeli daily newspaper Israel Hayom...

He is no longer in public service and does not represent Israeli interests in any official capacity.

...former Knesset member Moshe Feiglin...

He has not held public office since 2015.

Their statements are incredibly racist and dehumanizing, and have been condemned by the majority of the world. But they do not represent Israel in any official capacity. They are simply not newsworthy outside of documenting their existence on the off chance they reenter public life in the future.

I won't stoop to the New Arab's level of trawling for extremist wannabe politicians. I'll just look for a current Qatari public figure who are currently holding public office. That didn't take long.

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Seriously though, spring configurations are written in XML and you create variables, call functions, and have control flow. Effectively turning XML into a horrible twisted shadow of a programming language.

All in the name of "configurability" through dependency injection.

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As of Friday, at least 32 American citizens had been confirmed dead this month in the Israel-Hamas conflict, while 10 remained unaccounted for, according to the US state department.

I wanted to highlight this line just in case anyone thought they were the only two American hostages.

Hamas is a terrorist organization currently engaged in a war with Israel. They are the defacto rulers of the Gaza strip, and most of their members are in Gaza. However, many Hamas leaders live outside of Gaza.

They are listed as a terrorist organization by the US, Canada, UK, the EU, and more.

Their charter declares their goals to be the violent destruction of Israel, the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in the land of Palestine, and killing all Jews worldwide.

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XML is the second worst programming language ever created by humans

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Older C compilers would truncate a variable name if it was too long, so VeryLongGlobalConstantInsideALibraryInSeconds might accidentally collide with VeryLongGlobalConstantInsideALibraryInMinutes.

Legend says that they used to do it after a single letter with Dennis declaring "26 variables ought to be enough for anyone".

Memes at home are made with 100% creatitity

Yes - a pile of something in the middle of the road.

The youths said it was a pile of cardboard and paper to help keep them warm. Admittedly, it was around 10°C (50°F) over the last few nights at 2am.

  • MSF provide health services and are around 80% efficient (20% of your donation goes to overhead). I'm not sure if they make it easy to earmark a donation to Gaza.
  • UNICEF does more infrastructure projects, but have around 30% overhead.

If you really want to maximize your impact, check if your employer or professional association have donation matching for various large charities.

There are obviously many more charities - these are two that I believe have the highest chances of actually reaching civilians in Gaza and not being diverted.

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This is unsurprising. They still remember the coup attempt from 1970. This gives them the ability to show support without actually doing anything. In some ways this is tacit consent from Jordan and Egypt to allow Israel to wipe out Hamas.

It will also make it more likely that there will be a humanitarian crisis in Gaza very soon.

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No. The Israeli-Gazan border has been sealed since October 7th, and the Rafah Crossing has been similarly closed for egress.

But I'm sure if they did, they wouldn't have a mob waiting for them to land to hunt them down, or raiding a hotel inspecting passports.

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The hospitals will be a bloodbath.

Somewhere between 40k-50k civilians taking shelter with Hamas preventing them from fleeing, and Israeli forces who believe there are Hamas and tunnels underneath the hospitals.

There are already reports of Hamas shooting at Gazan civilians trying to flee the hospitals. I wouldn't put it past Hamas to just try to up the body count intentionally.

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Initial reports from yesterday were that Hamas was going to release 14 hostages. Then Hamas could not locate the mother. Today they're changing their story that it was intentional. Hila has reported that she was being held with her mother up until two days ago.

Uninterruptible sleep makes this harder than it looks

...Kunwong was left for dead, heavily bleeding from the wound in his throat. He was eventually found and cared for by other migrant workers. He managed to survive, he believes, because the knife had been blunt and broken.

He wasn't released by Hamas. He escaped the hell of October 7th by sheer luck.

speaks to the economic barriers that are in the way to integration of the populations

There were many Palestinians living in the West Bank and even from Gaza who would enter Israel to work in various industries (mostly agriculture and construction) prior to October 7th. Most legally with work visas, and some illegally. I doubt that that level of economic cooperation will ever return.

The lawmaker in question is Moshe Saada, number 28 out of 32 MKs from Likud (Israeli elections fix an order for each party, and legislative seats are awarded by that order).

He gave an interview on Channel 14, which is generally regarded as extremely right wing in Israel. Ahmad Tibi, number 1 on the Ta'al list, was the one who called him out for the statement:

MK Moshe Saada, Likud ,is trying to get on the shameful list of people in South Africa's lawsuit against Israel at the High Court in The Hague. Stupid and criminal words

Moshe Saada said this in response to the article:

I understand that there is a "journalist" who took a sentence I said in an interview and took it out of context with a lack of integrity, just to light a little fire, divide a little more and sow hatred. Those who watched the interview can hear that I repeatedly said that Hamas must be destroyed. The time has come for the media to also move forward from 6.10 and realize that it is time to unite around the fight against the enemy who seeks to destroy us, instead of constantly engaging in attempts to slander elected officials

The full interview is here on youtube (In Hebrew, no translation available).

He only said it once in a 13 minute interview and every other instance he's talking explicitly about Hamas (L'hashmid Ha'Hamas). I'm guessing it was him searching for a word to include both Hamas and PIJ, but that might be too generous. But anyone thinking this is an official policy of Israel and that's the way forward is delusional - almost every country on Earth has extremist members of their legislature.

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Israeli media is reporting that Hamas is complaining about three things (N12, Times of Israel, Ynet):

  1. That not enough aid was transferred to Gaza City. Per Israeli reports, 50 of the 200 trucks that entered today were supposed to go to the northern part of Gaza.
  2. That the prisoners are not being released in the specific order that Hamas wanted them to be released (apparently they wanted it so the oldest are released first - although this may be by who had been in prison the longest)
  3. That the IDF is not allowing Gazans to return to the northern part of the Strip (reportedly, this was actually an explicit part of the deal).

Israeli media are also reporting that a Qatari delegation have arrived in Israel to help facilitate quicker communication with Hamas, and that Qatar has told Hamas to "stop playing games", and that Egypt is also demanding they begin releasing hostages within the next hour. Israel has publicly announced they will resume the military campaign at midnight if the hostages haven't been released.

Al Jazeera for their part are reporting basically the same, with some analysis that Hamas are "trying to reach a parity with Israel".

UPDATE while writing this: while sourcing all these links and translating stuff, apparently the whole thing is now solved and the hostages are expected to be released in the next hour - 13 Israeli citizens and 7 foreigners.

Here's the short list of Hamas' war crimes that are part of their regular military doctrine:

  • Indirect fire that intentionally targets civilians
  • Indirect fire that intentionally targets protected infrastructure - medical, educational, and scientific
  • Conducting indirect fire from within protected infrastructure - medical, educational, and scientific
  • Taking civilian hostages
  • Intentionally targeting civilian population due to their nationality and/or religion
  • The systemic use of child soldiers
  • Coordination and housing of military efforts from within protected infrastructure - medical, educational, and scientific
  • Manufacturing weapons within protected infrastructure - medical , educational, and scientific
  • The use of medical transport to convey military forces during a military operation for operational purposes and not medical ones
  • Incitement to genocide
  • Incentivizing war crimes by paying larger pensions to their members (and their families) who commit atrocities

These are the things they have done so much that it is clearly part of their military doctrine and policies, and not even remotely defensible as "one off" behavior of irregular forces.

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Probably the same thing they did last time Jordan airdropped supplies: be honest and coordinate.

Notably, Reuters got an official "no comment" from Israel for this round of aid. Which probably means yes, but we don't want to have it on record.

AP have the most comprehensive coverage of the document, which is not publicly available. Two sections in jump out to me:

“The U.S. Intelligence Community is confident in its judgment on this topic and has independently corroborated information on HAMAS and PIJ’s use of the hospital complex for a variety of purposes related to its campaign against Israel,” the assessment states. It continues that it believes the groups “used the al-Shifa hospital complex and sites beneath it to house command infrastructure, exercise certain command and control activities, store some weapons, and hold at least a few hostages.”


The U.S. believes that Hamas members evacuated days before Israel raided the complex on Nov. 15 and that they destroyed sensitive documents and electronics before Israeli troops entered the facility.

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Entirely predictable though. Unlike previous rounds between Israel and Gaza, they haven't been targeting the rocket infrastructure. Hamas and PIJ have been bombing Israeli cities daily since October 7th. It doesn't get much coverage because most are intercepted and Israel intentionally censors most documentation of it - but you can find it in the liveblogs of most Israeli news sources.

Different things.

This article is about Biden saying that women were raped on October 7th.

The article you linked is about hostages being raped while they were being held in Gaza.

EDIT: the motivation of the IDF to publish that is to maximize the chances of the hostages coming back alive - if Hamas feel the hostages might do more damage after being released by confirming claims such as rape or sexual assault, the worry is that they will simply execute them.

You clearly haven't watched your forklift safety video. Warning: blood starts a few minutes in.

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My headcanon is that mechs require a few things to be a viable weapons platform:

  1. Orbital bombardment is not a viable tactic
  2. FTL travel is cheap and easy for non-living matter
  3. FTL travel is expensive and/or prohibitively dangerous for living tissue
  4. Artificial intelligence / fly by wire is not viable

If 1 isn't true, then toss rocks at them from space and pick up the pieces later.

If 2 isn't true, then it would be easier to train local forces and use commando teams

If 3 isn't true, then it would be cheaper, easier, and more effective to deploy rapid response forces of mixed armored infantry.

If 4 isn't true, then send your swarms of autonomous weapons platforms to kill anything that moves.

I'm sure there's a few other reasons why Urbanmechs would make more sense than the larger platforms, but at some point you just gotta enjoy the mecha

First turned on in 2010.

Git-svn was always the blessed path for converting. GitHub supporting svn was more about getting heterogeneous orgs to buy enterprise subscriptions.

There are basically three reasons they would withdraw the CSG:

  1. They believe the situation is sufficiently stable and withdrawing the CSG will not encourage Iranian backed groups to escalate too much.
  2. They want to signal to Israel that ground operations need to wind down within days.
  3. This is part of regular deployment changes and a replacement force will be deployed to the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

Given the US were running 24/7 surveillance flights over Gaza, 2 is highly unlikely and there would be other signals like the State department sending that signal.

Option 1 is similarly unlikely given the regional escalations.

Which leaves option 3. Which makes tons of sense and shows military doctrines that are similar - Israel is rotating 5 brigades of reserve troops out of Gaza.

My prediction is that Hezbollah will take a day or two with far fewer rocket launches on Israeli civilians, and then around Jan 3 or 4 they will launch a much larger salvo to test the US response. Hamas already jumped on this, launching 20-some rockets. I haven't seen an explicit Houthi response yet, but the Eisenhower is closer to them than the Ford so I don't think they'll pay close attention to this beyond some saber rattling.

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Do you mean this part:

  1. Hamas believes that no part of the land of Palestine shall be compromised or conceded, irrespective of the causes, the circumstances and the pressures and no matter how long the occupation lasts. Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.

Or perhaps this part:

  1. Resisting the occupation with all means and methods is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine laws and by international norms and laws. At the heart of these lies armed resistance, which is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the principles and the rights of the Palestinian people.

Oh wait, there's more:

  1. A real state of Palestine is a state that has been liberated. There is no alternative to a fully sovereign Palestinian State on the entire national Palestinian soil, with Jerusalem as its capital.

They define "Palestinian soil" earlier:

  1. Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras Al-Naqurah in the north to Umm Al-Rashrash in the south, is an integral territorial unit. It is the land and the home of the Palestinian people. The expulsion and banishment of the Palestinian people from their land and the establishment of the Zionist entity therein do not annul the right of the Palestinian people to their entire land and do not entrench any rights therein for the usurping Zionist entity.

They have only 1 segment that even hints that they might accept a 2 state solution:

However, without compromising its rejection of the Zionist entity and without relinquishing any Palestinian rights, Hamas considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of the 4th of June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus.

Which is pretty hard to take at face as an acceptance of a two state solution when it literally says in the sentence before that that they reject any alternative other than "from the river to the sea" and in the sentence after completely reject the Oslo accords.

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I've seen some footage from telegram channels showing the barrage. It's shitty footage, but if it's timestamped correctly then this was caused by a rocket falling far short of it's intended target.

Edit: the same footage is on Reddit, and there are unconfirmed claims that Hamas was planning on launching a R160 rocket towards Haifa at the time, but there were no alerts in Haifa and no reports of rockets being intercepted.

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CNN only has a single screenshot of the video, which was run on Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera did not cite a source for the video.

Also important to note this is in a neighborhood that has seen extremely heavy combat in the last 48 hours. It's doubtful full details will come out for a while, if ever.

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surprised pikachu

For comparison, Israel has had its credit rating downgraded and there is a major economic downturn there as well. Quark was wrong - war is bad for business.

They crossed the border, shot at a bunch of Hamas, bulldozed some low fences around fields and cleared out underbrush - basically making a dirt road.

And then left after a few hours.

Alternative articles:
My personal speculation:

Off duty means he will likely end up in front of a military court and they will ask three things: if he followed military procedure for opening live fire, if he felt there was a non-violent way to resolve the incident, and why he was there in the first place. He'll get reprimanded, potentially sentenced for murder, and possibly discharged. More likely is he'll deny guilt, make some claims and bring family as witnesses. In the end, he might even get away with less than a year in military prison.

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Missing context from the article:

Biden had said the first 20 trucks would be a test of a system for distributing aid without allowing Hamas to benefit, with UN agencies set to distribute it on the Gaza side of the border, but warned that, if Hamas “doesn’t let it get through or just confiscates it, then it’s going to end.”


Given that Hamas stole over 20,000 liters of fuel from UN facilities in the last week, the ban on fuel makes some sense even if you don't agree with it.