Afghanistan: Opium supply drops 95% after Taliban drug ban to World – 365 points –
Afghanistan: Opium supply drops 95% after Taliban drug ban – DW – 11/05/2023

Opium production in Afghanistan has plummeted since the Taliban banned cultivation of the poppy plant, according to a UN report published on Sunday.

Afghanistan's Taliban rulers pledged to wipe out the country's drug industry, banning poppy cultivation in April 2022.

Poppy plants are the source of opium and heroin. Afghanistan was the world's biggest opium producer and a major source for heroin in Europe and Asia before the Taliban takeover.


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I'm well aware.

Still same shit, (slightly) different country.

Still very few privileged people.

Imagine if these opium farmers showed pictures of yachts and said this is America?

Very few as opposed to zero? And was it the law that women had to be covered up and weren't allowed to go to school or listen to music?

Dude, you're missing the point. Do you give a fuck what luxurious lifestyle Eric Trump is living? Does his life indicate in any way what your life is like?

I give a fuck that it's illegal for women to wear whatever they want, go to school or listen to music. I'd say that makes the lives of all women in Afghanistan worse.

I agree! But showing a picture of a couple of privileged Tajik women really doesn't contribute anything!!

Sorry... you know they are Tajik how?

Narrator: not realizing how far he was moving the goalposts, he had lost the plot.