Democrats' dilemma: Biden's agenda is popular, but he is not to politics – 265 points –
Democrats' dilemma: Biden's agenda is popular, but he is not

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It's less that things are a bummer now, but that we have no idea what "better" even looks like. Instead of schlepping to the office in a gas car we schlep in an electric car? Instead of going bankrupt buying a fancy chemo treatment we go bankrupt buying a fancy mRNA treatment? Instead of conflict in the middle east we'll have conflict in the middle east? Is this what I have to look forward to for the rest of my entire life?

One thing conservatives have an advantage on is vision. Everybody remembers the past. A lot of people remember it fondly. It's easy to sell something like that. It's why they use it to sell everything.

That's why we call them out for the fiction they call the past. It never existed the way they paint it.

Of course it didn't exist. It's a cultural hallucination created by the Hayes Code. But that doesn't stop it from being incredibly effective marketing.

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many people have plenty ideas of what " better" looks like throughout the left side of the spectrum. anarchists socialists and communists would like a word.

centrists are the one stuck with a failed system they refuse to try and change meaningfully other than voting and toothless forms of protest.

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