Seek relief

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy – 1209 points –

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Boo hoo, someone couldn't go 10 minutes without making something all about them. Of fucking course this is talking about normal headaches and not chronic migraines you fucking imbecile. Do you think someone's gonna be recommending hard medication as a daily snack or something? Yeah, we all know sometimes you can't pop drugs like it's fucking candy. But you're not really here to inform, you're here to say, "look at me, everybody, I'm the 1 in 1000 people this advice doesn't apply to, aren't I so fucking special??"

Opiates are not medically indicated for migraines.

Triptans are.

So are injections of Ajovy.

This person is not talking about taking opiates. They are talking about medications that suck to take, but reduce the electrical storm of a migraine in the brain.

So my specifics are off. The point is still there. Choosing to suffer when you can easily stop it with near 0 downsides is kinda dumb. This guy clearly doesn't have an easy fix with near 0 downsides. So this quite obviously doesn't apply to that situation, does it?

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