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So, what is in your opinion the major reasonS for people committing crime? Or do you think it is evenly distributed, so you can't properly study that stuff.

And how would you personally prevent crime?

It is the easiest thing in the world to defend the status quo by pointig out that alternatives haven't been formulated to the most minute detail.


Forrest for the trees.

Instead of being rude, you could just - you know - engage a bit here? Or are you jpst here to dunk on people's beliefs?

Hardly. To either. You are the one who injected themselves into the conversation here.

I'm sorry that I was engaging with a conversation that didn't include you and you had to come tell me how I was wrong.

Don't bring up German idioms to him, it's a touchy subject for him.

Aww, now you're trying to own me by digging up old comments? You're adorable! ^^