Apple exec defends 8GB $1,599 MacBook Pro, claims it's like 16GB on a PC

Lee to – 280 points –
Apple exec: Macs are so efficient 8GB equals 16GB on a PC

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True by the letter but not really by practice. PC is synonymous with a computer running Windows, or Linux at a push. I don't know whether that's because of Microsoft's early market dominance or because Apple enjoys marketing itself as a totally different entity, or some combination of the two. But yeah, usage determines meaning more than what the individual words mean in a more literal sense.

Originally "PC" was IBMPC or PC Compatible (as in compatible with IBM without using their trademark). An IBMPC could have run DOS, Windows or even OS/2

It's funny to me becouse these days with all the remote software reinstallation and asking why you want to close one drive and things, windows isn't exactly very personal either