Trump admits ‘various people’ saw ‘papers and boxes’ brought from White House to politics – 472 points –
Trump admits ‘various people’ saw ‘papers and boxes’ brought from White House

“Of course they did! They may have been the boxes etc. that were openly and plainly brought from the White House, as is my right under the Presidential Records Act,” Trump posted on social media.


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Your brain is iliterally mush.

Yeah, great reading comprehension on your part friend. Now feel free to explain to me the interplay between the oath of office, administrative law, and the lack of codified law on the subject.

Your brain is mush. You are literally too stupid to understand, "don't betray the US by giving away secrets."

You are truly beyond pathetic.

I see that you still have no idea what the hell I was talking about, but you still consider yourself superior.

Why does Hillary Clinton deserve to be locked up for her handling of emails, and yet what Trump has admitted to doing here doesn't go beyond "ethical dilemma" (and even that seems like a stretch for you)?

in that hypothetical

As in, the poster making an argument that he had the right to handle documents however he wanted

I don't believe he had that right

As in, I don't think he was able to do that.

Are you people fucking this dense? I am not a trump supporter.

Did... you reply to the wrong comment?

I think you may have, since as you can see by the quotes my comment has about zero relevance to Hillary and is in response to a hypothetical and not my feelings on the case as a whole.

Ohhh hey. I recognize that username.

Isn't it interesting how, when a community is much smaller, we can often remember who the nice folks are. The ones who usually add interesting context, those who make actual funny posts and comments. People who bring actual professional knowledge and insight into interesting conversations...

Then you have the other side of the coin. The names you recognize for the bad reasons... Welcome to that list, bud.

Hello pot, I'm the kettle.

Is "kettle" another term for "someone who is constantly confidently incorrect"?

I know it's either that or, "a person who's profession is to muddy the waters on social media to further/denigrate a specific cause, and/or to simply sow chaos and discord online."

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt so I'm leaning toward the former. But stranger things have occurred...

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt

You mostly seem to like to post smug personal attacks in my interactions with you, but hey, you can operate under whatever delusions you want. It doesn't bother me.

I don't attack any interactions with anybody. In fact, I don't even know what that means. I just recognized the username, and thought it was interesting that I didn't need RES to tell me that your opinions can be safely ignored, and that I shouldn't waste my time trying to have a good faith conversation with you.

Uh huh, well feel free to contact me if you ever arrive at a point.

Are you illiterate?

You mostly seem to like to post smug personal attacks in my interactions with you, but hey, you can operate under whatever delusions you want. It doesn't bother me.

the guy literally signed a piece of paper that said what would happen if he did not return those specific documents, whether he declared them secret or not.

its not about th 'secret' part of it.

its that he signed a legal document regarding responsibility, and orangina over there still thinks, like you do it appears, it has anything to do with anything be marked 'secret'

'top secret' is irrelevant with regards to this document case.