Intel bets big against ChatGPT's OpenAI, invests heavily in Stability AI, makers of Stable Diffusion to – 258 points –
Intel bets big against ChatGPT's OpenAI, invests heavily in Stability AI, makers of Stable Diffusion

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Unless anti-trust law changes, Google will just buy ChatGPT and Stability to reduce competition and form a new monopoly.


You know Microsoft already owns chat gpt right?

Well that's just straight up not true.

OpenAI owns ChatGPT. Microsoft is a partner, but not an owner.

49% ownership means they dictate what Open AI does. Don't kid yourself.

Sure, but to say Microsoft owns OpenAI is still disingenuous without that disclaimer.

It's a distinction only legally.

At 49% ownership and being 100x the value of Open AI that is effectively the same as full control. Open AI cannot blink without Microsoft getting right of first refusal.

Bing AI begs to differ!

Are you being serious right now? Or am I getting wooshed?

He's being serious: that's exactly what Bing with Chat GPT replies.

Which further illustrates why LLMs are incredibly niche tools of limited utility... As someone who uses them in their job every day.