CDC reports highest childhood vaccine exemption rate ever in the U.S. to – 503 points –
CDC reports highest childhood vaccine exemption rate ever in the U.S.

Forty states saw rises in parents citing religious or other personal concerns for not vaccinating their young children.

The number of kids whose caregivers are opting them out of routine childhood vaccines has reached an all-time high, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday, potentially leaving hundreds of thousands of children unprotected against preventable diseases like measles and whooping cough.

The report did not dive into the reasons for the increase, but experts said the findings clearly reflect Americans' growing unease about medicine in general.

"There is a rising distrust in the health care system," said Dr. Amna Husain, a pediatrician in private practice in North Carolina, as well as a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics. Vaccine exemptions "have unfortunately trended upward with it."


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Vaccine exemptions should not exist at all unless a physician (MD or DO, not a naturopath or chiropractor) cites a reason why the vaccine should not be administered.

There are many unscrupulous MD/DOs that will happily compromise their morals for a quick buck. In my opinion they should lose their license, but it usually takes a while and they can do a lot of damage before then.

You can't keep the determined from self harm. All you can do is hope a few roadblocks will deter the half-hearted.

What are we to do when a parent brings in a paper covered with Bible verses?

The sad reality is you can get away with saying whatever stupid bullshit you want as long as you add “because God says so” at the end of the sentence. It’s the ultimate thought terminating cliche.

If someone commits a murder, "God told me to" is not a valid legal argument. They'll still be prosecuted. This should be the same. People can practice their religion however they want until it starts causing suffering to others.