GOP Candidates Are Warming to the Idea of War With Iran to politics – 120 points –
GOP Candidates Are Warming to the Idea of War With Iran

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Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) went even further, tying together Hamas, Hezbollah, and the militias in Iraq and Syria to draw the conclusion that “you have to cut off the head of the snake and the head of the snake is Iran and not simply their proxies.” There couldn’t, he suggested, be any diplomatic settlement with them—ever. “As President of the United States,” he said, “my foreign policy will be simple, you cannot negotiate with evil, you have to destroy it.”

Literal warmonger.

And they want to invade Mexico? These people are murderous.

Every time I hear a Republican say they'd love to invade us I keep chuckling because they don't realize the level of nationalism, pride and unity that we have. "México lindo y querido" is very much alive.

It may be a shit country but it's my shit country! (But tbh it's not that shitty and it does many things right.)

I've tried to explain that most Mexicans want to live in Mexico to conservatives more than once, but they're convinced that there are an infinite number of brown people and they all want to live in the U.S.

It's definitely a weird one given the economic situation. Many won't come back even if they parade in a charro outfit while they ride a horse and wave the Mexican flag in foreign soil. But I can confidently say that the great majority of Mexicans have a great regard for Mexico, to the point that they want their remains to be brought back and buried here when they die. lol

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