Is that $35 Apple Watch real? How misleading TikTok influencer videos could be the next big headache in e-commerce

Lee to – 122 points –
Is that $35 Apple Watch real? How misleading TikTok influencer videos could be the next big headache in e-commerce

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Not even remotely close. There is a ton of interesting content on there. Most of it is non-shopping stuff.

This is also what people say about 4chan

Yeah, some of the funniest screenshots I’ve ever seen have been 4chan green texts. Still doesn’t mean I want to wade through the oceans of shit, lol.

I feel like TikTok is definitely better content-wise because it caters to each individual and a lot more people use it (not just sweaty basement dwellers). I don’t use it because it’s designed to be so addicting.

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They were speaking specifically about the shop.

Aside from that, there are very legitimate reasons not to use TikTok, most notably because it's owned by a Chinese company, and all Chinese companies are owned by the CCP. Its been proven time and time again to be full of spyware.

And aside from all of that, every time I watch a video on there I'm left thinking "what the fuck did I just watch, and why does it have 50M views?".

Also vertical videos are ass. And now they even have side by side vertical reaction videos which are like 3x ass.

So yeah, there's no shortage of reasons to avoid TikTok.

Right, China Knowing my viewing habits is the end of the world. They will also radicalize me. Old man is too cool for the content.

You know what shows up on my feed? Cars, CNN, ABC movie clips, and cooking. The same exact shit I get on Reddit, Instagram, and my RSS before it died. If you have actually used Tiktok for more then 5 minutes and that's all you see, then that's on you. The algorithm is quite spot on for every user I know.

China Knowing my viewing habits is the end of the world.

China knowing your personal viewing habits is inconsequential. China having a database of the viewing habits of billions of users around the world, and injecting propaganda to manipulate the general populace is a completely different story. In case you haven't heard, the world is being run by disinformation. When you use TikTok, you contribute to that.

If you have actually used Tiktok for more then 5 minutes and that's all you see, then that's on you.

If someone starts sticking their finger up your ass, how long should you endure that before you decide you don't like it? And why?

There ARE good people making good content that use the platform. A lot of people are on the platform, so there's an argument to be made about reaching people with your work and message

But that also means we should continue to highlight issues so that we can fix them / build something better

The user above may be trolling

No. You all just call anything you disagree with trolling. You think that millions of millions of people are using tiktok as a fancy qvc selling channel?

There is a ton of fantastic content unless you have a fedora shoved up your ass.

But yeah, I'm trolling and the community doesn't just blindly repeat tIKtOK bad over ad-nausium.

I’m trolling and the community doesn’t just blindly repeat tIKtOK bad over ad-nausium.

I agreed with you? read my comment again

The trolling comment was about your commenting history, which looks a lot like downvote trolling. If you're trying to make a point in those threads, you aren't doing it effectively.

I couldn't care less about changing extremism views here. I'm just stating my option which is not welcome in these communities.

I disagree with people quite often, and it's usually well received / welcome in all communities I've commented in

For example, above

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