Hamas terrorists fire anti-tank missile at IDF troops from Gaza hospital entrance

bboplifa@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 246 points –
Hamas terrorists fire anti-tank missile at IDF troops from Gaza hospital entrance

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Lol "garrisoned". This isn't Age of Empires. Gaza is one of the most densely populated area on the planet. They have no freedom of movement, and the area is completely blockaded. Anywhere anyone in that area tries to stage a defense is a "civilian area." They're literally prohibited from having anything else.

So there is nowhere they could defend from that you wouldn't consider "human shield."

But you know that.

Edit: Corrected. Because fascist apologists love getting honest interlocutors hung up on semantics. I misspoke, and it's "just" one of the most densely populated areas. Because that changes my argument in any real way whatsoever.

Uhh... military forces holding a building and using it as a base is literally called a garrison.

I know what the word means. If you want to get all semantic about it, Hamas isn't a "military force," they're an insurgency. I'm not sure an insurgency "garrisons".

As the elected representative of Palestine they are indeed a military force, operating in a state to state conflict. Like the taliban in Afghanistan - they are the controllers of the country, no longer an insurgency. How "good" they are, morally or militarily, is irrelevant.

Its like saying the US of A is actually an insurgency because they toppled the British government and established their own. Nope - government.

How fair the elections were is up for debate, and how they stopped elections but they are thr government of Palestine.

Furthermore, why are you bring up that I'm being semantic with a word that you had a problem with using?

Gaza is not even close to being the most densely populated area on the planet, what is your source for that?

Also have you seen a map of gaza? There are many open areas hamas could use to launch attacks from, but it chooses (rather rationally I might add) to site its materiel in places where israeli retaliation will cause civillian casualties.

I apologize that I forgot to add "one of the" before "most." The point still stands.

Oh, you looked at a map of Gaza, and because of that you are an expert on the land and you know the best strategic locations for them to set up? Fuck off.

Israel made an open-air prison, and when a group of extremists react, they bomb the entire fucking prison (strangely aiming at the hospitals, and the areas where they instructed refugees to go).

Edit: After re-reading this comment, i'd like to correct something. I don't think it's even accurate to say Israel created an open-air prison, or to call Gaza a prison. The word "prison" heavily implies that the people there did something to deserve their punishment. I wonder if anyone could let me know all the terrorist acts those Gazan children performed... Was it "throwing rocks at IDF"? Because that's usually punishable by death.

Child. Glad to see you admit this is a joke to you.

Hey man, play to your audience.

I notice you still have not corrected the lie from your other post - why could that be?

I didn't lie, I misspoke and I did correct myself. But since that apparently wasn't enough, see edit.

As if the correction changes anything about the point being made.

Open areas, you know! Those places everyone can see, who needs operational security when you have all that room for activities!

"Rather rationally I might add" what did you take this part to mean?

Hedging doesn't change your idiotic point. No one uses open areas because.... They're open fucking areas. It's like saying "why don't you go play baseball in that lake over there."

Are you retarded or just incapable of reading? Do you think I said their decision to not use open areas was rational because I thought it was dumb?

I read just fine bud, your point is still shit. It doesn't matter that there are open areas because no one would use them certainly not an insurgency that can't mass troops. It's nothing, why bring it up.