Trump Campaign Doubles Down: It’s Totally Fine That He Called His Enemies ‘Vermin’ to politics – 532 points –
Trump Campaign Doubles Down: It's Totally Fine That He Called His Enemies 'Vermin'

Donald Trump's campaign spokesman defended Trump using "vermin" to describe his enemies, while historians compared his language to Hitler, Mousselini.


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"I'm from the UK and your left isn't as left as our left!" No one cares. But I don't know what I expected. If you just want to die on this hill of extra chromosomes, be my guest. What a waste of time to debate with someone who argues symantics and isn't capable of reflecting on anything they're saying.

No one cares

You don't care that people are going bankrupt because they get cancer? You don't care your police are running wild and killing innocent civilians? You don't care that people are still defending slavery?

OK. I think I have explained myself in full and I don't get what extra chromosomes have to do with any of it. I'm done. Thank you for your time.

You don’t care that people are going bankrupt because they get cancer? You don’t care your police are running wild and killing innocent civilians? You don’t care that people are still defending slavery?

Oh, centrists care about all of those. They're the status quo that centrists want to preserve.