Here it comes - Reddit admins taking over subs to Lemmy.World – 1742 points – IS NOT a general discussion area. find another community.

my bad....



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They can't just re-open subreddits and expect it to go over smoothly. These subs will collapse without moderators.

Sure they can. They'll outsource moderation to Bangladesh, pay mods like $0.20 a day, and double the number of ads shown.

Considering they didn't pay any of the moderators as is, I don't think they would pay for them now.

You don't think they would pay a pittance for mods they can control and who will quell dissent like the blackout before it ever gets off the ground?

Why would they when you can find plenty of power-hungry bootlickers who'll do it for free?

Lol .... All you have to do is give moderators permissions to a teenager with an axe to grind and they'll work for free for years

I hate Reddit because of all this stupidity ... I've jumped ship not looking back and I'm staying on Lemmy

They didn't pay anyone anything so far and if they do that they are doomed for a different reason.

Tbh $0.20 a day won't get you very far even in Bangladesh nowadays. Moderation costs will be quite high in the end for them.