IBM pulls X ads as Elon Musk endorses white pride to – 1445 points –
IBM pulls X ads as Elon Musk endorses white pride

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Between that and covid I think he went down a rabbit hole

Nahh... he was always this way. If your daughter coming out as trans "turns" you into a right-winger, it just means you were always a right-winger.

I don't think that's quite the same.

You might always lean a certain way, but before, he maybe didn't really care about trans people one way or another. As soon as his daughter came out as trans though he becomes faced with a choice.

Some people when they are faced with the choice, even if they might seem like they'd go against their child, don't.

He doubled down unfortunately and made the wrong choice.

He doubled down unfortunately and made the wrong choice.

No, that's not the choice he made. The status quo rewarded Phony Stark for being a right-wing douchebag - long before he even had a daughter . He chose to remain a right-wing douchebag because he was rewarded for it. He simply made the choice the vast majority of the rich either has made or will eventually make.

That doesn't make sense.

Right wing and left wing have actual meanings, not "good guys and bad guys"

Right wing and left wing have actual meanings

Yes, they do... which is specifically why there is no such thing as a "good" right-winger.