IBM pulls X ads as Elon Musk endorses white pride to – 1445 points –
IBM pulls X ads as Elon Musk endorses white pride

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So was this guy semi normal in the head at some point?

I am really wondering if he has been deteriorating over the last years.

Consensus from those with closer experience is that he's always been kind of an asshole, just not a crazy asshole. Also, the whole "Elon's a Tony Stark genius" was literally a marketing campaign and he used to have a really good PR person. He fired that person some years back (want to say around '17-'18?) got on twitter and let that fully rot his brain.

I think this is a fairly predictable outcome when you fire anyone who contradicts you and seem to spend your whole day hotboxing your own farts with a legion of minions in tow who will stop at nothing to tell you what a great experience that is.

I don't know for sure... I kinda liked him several years ago, but it was before all the media exposure, so he may have been this crazy his whole life

Probably not but appeared to be before developing a Twitter addiction and the Sub Incident.