Tax time

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy – 1649 points –

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Not in the Netherlands, there it's all calculated for you and you just do the checking. If you have a more complicated situation like self employment or other stuff you may want to hire an accountant that will not only double check but also make sure you get the best outcome by doing some strange wizardry but for most people it's literally just go online, check the salary numbers etc, click okay and get some cash back to your account.

Too bad the Belastingdienst (Dutch Taxservice) is a massive shitshow on pretty much anything else. Their hardware is so damn old new tax laws can't be passed, because it would break the systems. Of course this is more the fault of shitty upper management and poor political will to do anything about it.

They should pass laws that intentionally break the IT systems, then you'll eventually end up with an IT system that doesn't break.

They tried that (not intentionally) but the response was basically "bro we can't, you'll just have to wait until we update it. Should be done in about 5 years".