Google's Manifest V3 changes will soon disable uBlock Origin on Chrome to – 568 points –
Google's Manifest V3 changes will soon disable uBlock Origin on Chrome

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Firefox has the same problem with V3, it has nothing to do with the browser, adblocker V2 will stop working, because are the advertising companies wich will use V3 scripts. For Chrome and Chromium the only thing is, that are no more V2 adblocker in the Chrome Store and installed adblock extensions won't work anymore. after June 24. But don't panic, the fact that adblocker V2 stops working does not exclude that there will be adblocker V3, the devs of these are not going to rest on their laurels either.

to my knowledge Firefox is keeping compatibility with most current extensions at least in terms of adblockers and privacy tools as they transition to manifest v3

Firefox has the same problem with V3, it has nothing to do with the browser

Didn't they say they will implement V3, but change it slightly to allow extensions like ublock origin to block web requests? Also I'm pretty sure there's still no timeline for any deprecation of V2 in FF, unlike for Chrome, which will disable all V2 extensions.

Also not a problem in Vivaldi, it has a own inbuild ad/trackerblocker, no need of the Chrome Store for this. Anyway until June 24 also the adblocker devs have updated their products for sure.

until June 24 also the adblocker devs have updated their products for sure.

If you understood the differences between manifest v2 and v3 you'd understand that it's pretty much impossible to make an ad blocker with the same effectiveness in V3 as in V2.

So they will exist, just be worse.

No How long do you think it will take the devs to change the adblockers to v3? 3..2..1..

Firefox has the same problem with V3, it has nothing to do with the browser, adblocker V2 will stop working, because are the advertising companies wich will use V3 scripts.

What the hell are you talking about? This has nothing to do with what advertising companies do.

The main reason adblockers don't like manifest V3 is that the webRequest API is gone. The proposed replacement, declarativeNetRequest, does not have the same functionality.