PSA: every interaction you make with various posts on kbin is viewable to everyone. to /kbin – 156 points –

If you click on the "more" button under a comment or link there will be an activity tab. In this tab you can see everyone who has boosted, favourited or reduced the post. I'm not sure if this a
Is a good feature but it's interesting to see when someone decides to reduce all of your content for no reason.


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I think that regular users don't really care, why would anyone obsess about tracking down which account liked which post? the only people who get into that sort of thing, are people who likely manipulate with multiple accounts themselves. and they don't wanna be traceable and that's why they're afraid of this feature.

I disagree wholeheartedly.

Having your voting history public also constrains people from participating in the community if the things they support or object to would cause harassment or harm from people who know who they are, which is not always preventable, for example a shared household, using kbin from work (activity monitored), etc...

I could easily see an Amazon worker getting fired because they were logged upvoting pro-union threads. They wouldn't even need to be doing this from a company network - just accessing kbin once on their network for any reason would have their user name associated with them, and then Amazon can simply monitor their activity on kbin even when they are using it from home.

Look at everything Amazon has done to their workers and tell me that this isn't a believable scenario. And that's just one example.

Having votes public can cause real harm to people.

As a regular user who doesnt like social media, this is something that all regular users should be aware of. You can easily get your info taken and processed in a way that becomes consistent with a shadow profile of you made by facebook or other companies in order to track you. There would be no difference in using kbin and using facebook if your info is open to everyone for companies to scrape and parse.

This will likely lead me to stop using kbin and wait for something more private oriented to come up

There's a very simple way to ensure that your upvote/downvote records aren't public; simply never upvote or downvote anything. I think it'd be fairly straightforward to add a user option to hide everything related to upvoting and downvoting from a user, giving them a kbin experience completely divested from that sort of thing.

That’s a great way to kill user engagement before it even starts.

They can still comment if they want. Indeed, without vote buttons that now becomes the only way to say "u suk" or "this!"

That’s a fair point. But there are people who live in situations where such activity has legal/societal implications.

Think some countries that put people to death for blasphemy or people in the states who associate being transgender with being literal child molesters.

Sure keep your account private but that isn’t always feasible even if you try. We see people get doxxed even from innocuous breadcrumbs of statements made over time.

Or don’t favorite/upvote and yet it’s easy to inadvertently do so which can be an issue.

That’s why I’m for a way to handle it, if possible, that minimizes the bad actors. And if not possible then it needs to be really really clear.

Like “upvote” is followed by something that succinctly notes “Favorite saved and ready to share across the fediverse”

why would anyone obsess about tracking down which account liked which post?

Normal people wouldn't. Unfortunately, there are a lot of assholes, stalkers, and people who are salty they got downvoted and want revenge.

Ever seen people on Reddit say "Whoever downvoted this, go fuck yourselves?" I can guarantee that, if they knew who downvoted them, they wouldn't keep their reaction contained to an edited comment.

This, pretty much. Though I do look at downvotes sometimes because its an easy was to identify trolls and bots, I'd be fine not seeing the option.