measuring rule to – 1364 points –

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Fun fact. -40 degrees is the same in both C and F, and is also called "January" where I live.

I live in a place that has -40°C winters and +40°C summers now 👍

God I sure do love global warming

Montana, here.

Nothing quite like when it hits -45°F and you have to start closing off rooms and stuffing blankets into registers and doorway cracks.

Any kind of outdoor airflow can burn so bad that skin necrosis can begin in just 5 minutes.

Summer in Arizona is shitty. Winter in the Northern Rockies will straight up murder you.

yikes. My house is about 6 degrees in winter and that's cold enough for me

You shouldnt let the house go below 14-isch degrees since that would create kondensation that might hurt the structure or promote fungal growth. My house is between 15 to 20 degrees in winter and at 15 I can feel my body stiffen due to cold

If I had a choice mate I wouldn't let it haha. I live in Australia, we make houses that don't qualify as tents in the rest of the world.

No real insulation (tiny amount in roof but downlights punch a hole through it), single glazed windows, doors that don't seal. Power costs too much to run heating :') it's good shit.

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