Surveillance footage shows Hamas bringing hostages into Shifa Hospital on Oct. 7 to World – 186 points –
Surveillance footage shows Hamas bringing hostages into Shifa Hospital on Oct. 7

The Israel Defense Forces releases surveillance camera footage from Shifa Hospital showing Hamas terrorists bringing a Nepali and Thai citizen who were abducted from Israel on October 7 to the medical center.


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You'd become a hardline religious extremist, torture your own people, and massacre civilians in cold blood?

Weird thing to admit to man.

I'm not religious so no, and I made no mention of religion. Israel was forged by hard-line religious extremists as well but is technically a secular nation.

You should look into every revolution on earth, 98% of which will include religious extremists. Your point is idiotic, the American revolution had religious extremists lol.

Hamas is explicitly a jihadist regime. Do you... not know that?

I do know that. I don't think it matters the reason they're fighting if it's the same effect either way.

If someone occupied my country, killed my family and took my family land I can’t say I’d react any different.


You're being tedious. You know what I meant and notably hamas is not the only dog in this fight buddy. The narrative is it's hamas because they're religious extremists and it tends to discount the fact that regardless of their intent or reasoning the effect is the save, armed defense of Gaza. Without hamas the place would have been annexed 30 years ago.

I'm not being tedious. You specifically said you'd join Hamas. That's what Hamas is. If you want to say something differently, just say different words.

Without Hamas there would literally be a Palestinian state, and it would be a secular state, and I know this because this is the reason Hamas exists.

They seized power and canceled elections forever specifically because Palestinians were going to be their own secular state, and Israel would exist. They find that unacceptable. Just like the entire reason for the October attacks was Israel normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia.

These things are not secrets or opinions man. This is history.

You are, meaning by context is a thing. I did not specifically say I'd join hamas, hyperbole is absurd when there's an objective record just above your comment.

Not at all, there's good evidence that Israel was always writing against that namely the Israeli government paying hamas and letting them thrive so long as they took out targets beneficial to right wing Israelis.

paying hamas and letting them thrive so long as they took out targets beneficial to right wing Israelis

By which you mean "people who want a two state solution and a secular Palestine."

And yes, you do mean that's because that's who they fucking targeted.

You're so against Israel that you're back to rooting for a shitter Palestine.

Yes because we all know you end a terrorist organization but providing them funds they can then use to buy weapons and fighters? Weird plan bud.

You clearly don't know what I mean bud, and it kinda seems like you're not paying attention.

I'm against both lol.

That's a really dumb position to have, frankly.

No it's not, they're both terrible and need to be dismantled and reformed in a less shitty way. Simple as. I think it's idiotic to "take a side" in the war as a multiple century religious holy war. What Israel is doing right now with people like you cheering it on is killing more then ten times as many people in "self defense" and then lying about what they find to justify murdering civilians. That's objectively wrong.

Imagine thinking I'm cheering this war on because I don't have hot takes like "terrorism is cool" and "Israel shouldn't exist"

If this isn't you, you're part of the problem:

“people who want a two state solution and a secular Palestine.”

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shows u have no clue what ur talking about. Israel wasn't forged by religion extremists, on contrary. I will never understand people like u who talk with such confidence about matters they have no clue about.

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