Wake-up Call: Democrats could easily lose the White House and Senate next year

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 589 points –
Democrats could easily lose the White House and Senate next year

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I've heard the same old sob story every 4 years my entire life. Liberals were screaming every time and if Trump wins in 24 our democracy will stay the same rigged false democracy that it is. Our only hope for concessions from the Democrats is to force them to gain our votes back by voting for the Green party. Otherwise you will get nothing with neoliberal ghouls you vote for.

If the number of people who died due to benefit cuts, throwing out the pandemic action plan, and direct actions from right wing terrorists who were emboldened by a president who values the speeches and actions of Hitler aren't enough to convince you of how much worse Trump was versus lib Dems, then you are missing the point of the values you claim to have. I support the values I do because they uphold human rights and save lives. What good are those values if my actions lead to the death and dehumanization of thousands, when another choice would have likely saved them?

If the number of people who died due to benefit cuts

You mean the Trump tax cuts Biden chose to keep? Or the child tax credit he let expire? Those right wingers are a minority and we need a strong left to oppose them, voting for center right Dems are not the way to fight back. If anything that only helps the right by not undoing their policy.

Nice cherry picking of two examples without sources, while completely ignoring all of the other things Biden did repeal. It also ignores the fact that those things were replaced with better projects that were less susceptible to repeals by future presidents.

Again, I am not saying to vote for all Dems across the board, just not in the Presidential election. I vote third party in my home state for state and local elections because my state (solid blue) is set up in a way that allows for a candidate presented by the third party to run as a Dem as well, allowing people to vote effectively for a party line that makes it clear what actions we want taken while not risking a regressive candidate being elected by a split vote. There are also several blue states that are enacting ranked choice voting, which is also being supported by even most moderate Dems.

Everything I see talks about how that was directly tied to emergency spending that needed to be signed off on by Congress, and how Biden expanded it while it was in effect and is actively trying to get it renewed, with sources much more recent and detailed that that one.

For example:





But sure, it was Biden who single handedly stole that money from families, even when Congress makes the budget.

He's not trying, those are just puff pieces. I've not seen him go out of his way to pressure congress, and I've not seen him use his executive powers to help working class people either.