What kind of spirituality/religion/faith do you find support in and why?

robber@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 47 points –

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I’m not.

Because it’s crazy to believe in that shit.

You could have just said you’re not without insulting everyone that isn’t you.

I’m not insulting everyone that isn’t me.

I’m insulting people who believe in religion.

Ahhh…my bad. Didn’t know you were one of those… Reddit “atheists.” Had I, I wouldn’t have bothered trying to reason with you.

Just…. Be careful with all that edge you’re carrying around.

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What a twattish thing to do....

Nah the twattish thing to do is to give this nonsense any air of credibility.

We openly laugh at the faces of flat earthers, but when someone says a magical being created reality we have to take it seriously and respectfully?

One is taught from birth and has a history of indoctrination that both you and me would likely also fall for in the same situation.

The other is willful ignorance with no historical reason to believe it and full denial of most science.

I'm not religious at all, I am happy to openly mock God and dare him to strike me down, I really don't care. But laughing at the PEOPLE who believe it through no fault of their own is pure douchebaggery.

We're fortunate to have the opportunity to learn about and assess the situation with as much knowledge as we like, plenty of people don't have the same opportunity or were taught the beliefs long before they could reason any differently. 5000 years ago you'd be praising the sun God with the rest of us, everything from that to now is just shades of grey, and you're pretty unlikely to be some special individual that derived all science from first principles and concluded that God was impossible.

You're basically just claiming to be better due to the circumstances you found yourself in (through no fault of your own). Seems like properly cunty behaviour to me, and only a stones throw from laughing at the poor for not being born into wealth.

You dick :) x

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Would you mind elaborating on why you think it's crazy?

Because it’s adults believing in made up fantasy shit?

One could as well argue that it's crazy to just "wake up" in some place, having no clue about where we come from and where we go. Constructing some "made up fantasy shit" might be a way to cope with that void.

If it's not your way that's perfectly fine, but I would still appreciate a respectful discussion.

Not really m8. It brings some people solace and closure to believe that there's an afterlife after death religion and belief. can come in many forms all are good things. Religion can make you a better person and religion can bring some closure for dead loved ones religion can teach you lots of things religion and belief can come in many forms

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