LineageOS is currently installed on 1.5 million Android devices

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 488 points –
LineageOS is currently installed on 1.5 million Android devices

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How do I get one with it preinstalled?

Put simply, you don't. If your phone is supported and the documentation is there, the installation is a breeze.

No. If it was easy to install then there would be a installation guide on the phone. Not even a installation program available on the computer to assist.

This is 100% unofficial. Phone makers don't want you to install third party roms (they cease having any control, won't receive analytics, can't push ads etc). Why should they help you out? They'll do the bare minimum (or less) that is required for you, the owner, to be able to use third party roms.

Buy one from someone who does the installing on sites like Ebay