And then Windows overwrites your bootloader so it can only boot into Windows.
I need to overwrite windows because currently I'm just considering my laptop unusable until I bother to fix grub after that...
Do it! Commence the sacrifice so that the great penguin in the sky may grant you its blessing!
Oh my god, this truly was one of the biggest reasons I didn't use Linux in college. After I built a rig with two SSDs, it felt so much easier to get into Linux.
And then Windows overwrites your bootloader so it can only boot into Windows.
I need to overwrite windows because currently I'm just considering my laptop unusable until I bother to fix grub after that...
Do it! Commence the sacrifice so that the great penguin in the sky may grant you its blessing!
Oh my god, this truly was one of the biggest reasons I didn't use Linux in college. After I built a rig with two SSDs, it felt so much easier to get into Linux.