So... it's been a while now since the great exodus. How are you all doing my fellow refugees? to Reddit – 47 points –

I made my home here permanently now. It seems like such a friendlier place but how are you all doing?


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Most of the magazines I subscribed are dead. The very few that post stuff receive no comments, I general everything is pretty dead

I spend most of my time on here browsing through All - as long as you're willing to wade through Linux and Star-trek memes, there's still an awful lot to see in the Fediverse.

I don't think the Fediverse is populated enough at the moment that niche subs can be as active as they were on Reddit. Best you can for now is keep your niche alive and spread the word of it's existence

I made an effort to interact with one community in particular to get it going and it actually started getting a tad more lively recently. So maybe there's hope if we play our parts.