Non-religious Republicans of Lemmy, how do you reconcile your non-religious convictions with a party that bases a lot of its policies on religion? to Ask – 215 points –

E.g. abortion rights, anti-LGBTQ, contempt for atheism, Christian nationalism, etc.


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Civilian disarmamends happened in various countries, i.e. Australia in 1996/97, UK after the Dunblane school massacre in 1996, Japan post WW2, South Africa in 2000, Colombia in 2000 and 2016, New Zealand after Christchurch.

Strategies and success vary, but it's not unheard of.

You can still own guns in Australia, at least. It just requires applying for permits. I don't get why people would be opposed to that

Introducing regulations usually doesn’t mean complete and utter ban.

From the mouth of my dad "you'll be in a list and they'll know you have guns. I shouldn't have to register for a right that's in the constitution"

There's a ton wrong with that statement, but he's willfully blind to any of it. He hung up on me when I pointed out all the issues that statement had XD