Non-religious Republicans of Lemmy, how do you reconcile your non-religious convictions with a party that bases a lot of its policies on religion? to Ask – 215 points –

E.g. abortion rights, anti-LGBTQ, contempt for atheism, Christian nationalism, etc.


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That is exactly my point. Glad you could see it my way.

Except for the draw part. This wasn't a competition, and in the nicest way possible, I'll just walk away from this thinking you are fully incorrect, and I assume you will do the same about me. "Agree to disagree" is more for people who actually know each other. Bye stranger!

Well, a draw means that neither of us is more correct than the other, at least that's what I'll take away from this.

Stop trying to be a winner on a fucking argument and just look for the facts instead you silly goose.