Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games

Lee to – 1314 points –
Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games

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Wait, so they failed to implement that? (Jeez i hope so)

Nope, my boss has an i4 that has this bullshit.
I have an audi a3 that has the hardware for adaptive cruise control but cant use it because of the same bullshit...

Car market is fuuuucked

Edit : fyi, i wasnt aware of the problem when ordering it, and its a company car so i didnt pay for it

You still bought the car

Leased it, company car, so i havent paid a single euro for it. And i didnt know they would pull this shit off. I ordered it without adeptive cruise control and got this shit instead.

I would never buy an audi lol, but as a company car, meh.