Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games

Lee to – 1314 points –
Gamers enraged at Ubisoft for injecting ads into the middle of video games

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If you buy a Ubisoft game in this day and age there is no way you don't know what you are getting into and the kind of shitty company you are supporting, and you still support it, and its practices, by buying their shit.

So you have absolutely zero right to bitch, moan, and be upset about the very Ubisoft style shit that Ubisoft does.

You do have a right to criticize bad business.

If you willfully stick your arm into a raging fire after decades of warnings not to, You don't get to complain about the fire after it hurts you, or how much it hurt you, or anything else.

You've made your choice, now shit down, and shut up, because no one wants to hear it about how bad it is that you ignored every warning and sign and even common fucking sense.


So many fucking butt hurt idiots cradling their metaphorically burnt arms and demanding sympathy around here, i swear.

You, for one, seem way better adjusted than anybody who willy-nilly sticks their arm into raging fires.

I know not to buy from known shitty companies, that they only get shittier with time and monetary support via continuing to purchase their crap.

It doesnt take a particularly massive intellectual might to figure that out, but apparently that is just expecting to much from the average gamer.

Your username is very fitting

"Yes, yes! It must be You, who dare speak common sense that is the idiot!

For it can not be me that is the fool, Who bought a pile of shit, and now wish to cry emphatically about receiving a pile of shit from the man famous for supplying shit!

I shall whine, and cry, and expect the world to lavish upon me nothing but the highest of sympathies for me getting hurt by my own willful actions and ignoring of all warnings and sense!"

I just don't understand what the takeaway is from the figure of speech "if you... then you have no right to..."

In this case, clearly not everyone knows. And if complaining is prescribed as forbidden then fewer will know going forward. It's possible that some people aren't gamers immersed in the dogmatic culture but looking to try something out.

Advertising is a drain on society that encourages regular people to choose and act suboptimally.

There are absolutely allowed to be laws around advertising and people absolutely have the right to be annoyed when those laws are not properly protecting them.

Video games are no longer a wild frontier, it's a 50 year old established industry and market that is wildly profitable and absolutely deserves to be legislated into polite and proper conduct.

We absolutely should bitch and moan that meaningful legislation is not being passed on this front.

Your username checks out.

Pretty sure I have the right to be dumb and bitch and moan all at the same time. Funny thing is though, no one seems to be complaining about my right to be smart and lie and cheat at the same time - as long as it's a business and I don't lie on my taxes anyways.

Totally agree.

These people deserve what they get. If they don't like it, stop paying for it.

But interceder, I GOTTA HAVE MY SHINY NOW.

