New Zealand granny fined US$1,995 for bringing chicken sandwich into Australia

Lee to World – 247 points –
New Zealand granny fined US$1,995 for bringing chicken sandwich into Australia

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We do. There's announcements on the flight and there's signs everywhere.

The department spokeswoman pointed to biosecurity announcements on flights which told travellers what their declaration obligations were, as well as signage about it around arrivals areas in Australian airports.

Ok, so basically this woman didn't pay attention to anything and got fined for it.

Moreover, she declared on her landing card that she had no plant or animal material on her possession. Being a New Zealander she should know better. What an idiot.

It was probably a lack of attention combined with a genuine mistake. She claims she slept through the flight. Lots of people are also unaware how strictly we deal with it and think they'll be fine instead of fined. We have an entire TV show about it.

I don't want to be too harsh on her as it's relatively minor and the fine amounted to 10% of their combined remaining life savings. It was her mistake.

there are signs all through the airport and she will be asked as well. she had opportunities to declare it

You aussies charged her $2,000 for a harmless cooked sandwich. It was too old to eat and just garbage by the time she arrived to Australia. Instead of simply tossing it.....$2,000. Y'all suck.

She's 77 and she had probably planned to eat it on the flight. It was a cooked chicken sandwich. Think she planned on keeping it for like 6 hours in her purse?

Armstrong said she packed the sandwich in her bag before the flight

Yes, it sounds like she did.