South Korean dog farmers threaten to flood Seoul with 2 million canines over ban

Lee to World – 207 points –
South Korean dog farmers threaten to flood Seoul with 2 million canines over ban

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In general, predators like dogs are a very inefficient way to get calories. Cattle, for example, have the benefit of turning stuff like grass that we can't eat into something that we can (meat,) dogs on the other hand, largely tend to eat the same sorts of foods we would, so often we could just eat those foods and cut out the middleman

Now dogs are not totally obligate carnivores, theoretically they can be fed on a vegetarian diet, though it requires some careful planning to ensure they're getting the right nutrients, you can't just turn them loose in a field to eat grass and expect to get much out of it, by and large they're going to need to eat the same sorts of food we'd eat- a variety of fruits and vegetables. They can also possibly fed byproducts, scraps, offal, overripe or damaged produce, etc. that is unfit or less desirable for human consumption, but that still adds a lot of complexity to managing their diet, and if animal products are part of the feed it potentially means you need to worry about spreading disease between animal populations, don't want to be feeding your meat dogs on mad cow brains or avian flu chicken bits.

And as you move up the food chain you can have issues with bioaccumulation of toxins like heavy metals. Say from birth to slaughter a cow absorbs 1oz (pulling that number out of my ass) of lead and mercury and such that ends up in its various tissues. Cows are big, you have to eat a lot of cow to absorb that much lead and mercury from eating them. Now let's say a dog during it's lifetime eats the equivalent of one whole cow (again, pulled out of my ass) during it's lifetime. That dog now has that same 1oz of lead and mercury, and dogs are much smaller so it's at a higher concentration in their meat, you don't have to eat nearly as much dog as you do cow to get the same amount of heavy metals.

I mean, if we're talking about 'efficient ways to get calories', then farming any animal is a stupid way to do that.

You lose so much energy feeding them than if you just ate the food yourself or used the land to grow food.

Always funny watching where meat-eaters draw the line with their abuse. There is more cognitive dissonance among ya'll than conservatives.

The question posed was whether farming dogs is worse than farming other animals, and that is the question I attempted to answer.

The question was not whether farming any animal for food is ethical or justifiable, and so I didn't attempt to answer that.

Just a small pointer: If the goal was to convince the person you replied to, the third condescending paragraph is a surefire way to make them not listen, which is a shame because the first two paragraphs are actually solid arguments.

No, my goal was to say what I wanted to say and I accomplished that to a tee.

Just a small pointer: nobody cares about your pointers. Lol.

Well, in that case, nobody cares about what you want to say, either.

I wouldn't spend any more energy on them. They made it clear that they're here to talk at people rather than talking with people.