Human Rights Watch says rocket misfire likely cause of deadly Gaza hospital blast to – 184 points –
Human Rights Watch says rocket misfire likely cause of deadly Gaza hospital blast

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The fact you're getting downvoted so much is just another reminder how feelings matters more than facts to certain groups of people.

All sides in this war suck but the constant dogpiling against Israel when Hamas uses child labor to dig their tunnels is telling of how people view this conflict.

They're being downvoted is because Israel was caught lying about it. Multiple times. And because Israel has bombed places without dropping flyers (or dropping flyers with wrong information) many times in this war.

But they don't have to drop flyers at all! Indeed they probably shouldn't, in the hopes of catching Hamas by surprise. But even after Oct 7th they're trying as hard as they practically can to keep civilian casualties to a minimum even though they could end the war against Hamas a lot faster, and with fewer Israeli casualties, if they didn't.

Israeli Jews are bleeding in the streets to keep Gazans safe, and their repayment is unabated, universal antisemitism among Gazans. Incredible. Is there a more ungrateful people in existence than the Palestinians?

What the fuck is wrong with you? I refuse to even engage with this, but like seriously, you should reflect on what you just said.

It’s wild seeing astroturfing from these accounts. That and the total dehumanization of Palestinians.

Nothing's "wrong" with me. I'm telling you what is obviously true. Israel is fighting to preserve human life against enemies that completely disregard it.

No thinking person can look at what's going on in Gaza and disagree. I don't see how that's even possible.