12 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

What about how much pollution, stress, accidents leading to insurance claims, that will eventually be saved by not having millions drive and live in traffic everyday?

What about that McKinsey?

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Fuck him and fuck Trump followers.

Exactly. There's a lot more nuance than just 'oh video game good, can't control addiction, bad parents'.

Politicians like him are like cockroaches: they are so stubborn to get rid of and are a sign of rot somewhere within your premises.

So this is like if the Switch charged you an extra $200 for the hand-held part?

This will be either hugely successful or will die an awful death and develop a PS Vita cult following.

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"I received an email today about Avast customer data being leaked on the dark web. In the email, Avast recommends signing up for an additional paid service," one user noted.

Shit all around is such a clown show.

Your first half was good, but impugning terrorist actions on them wasn't the way to go.

I do agree though: setting fire to courthouses, or creating an environment of lawlessness that guarantees small mom and pop businesses get looted is also not a winning cause. Protesting and counter-protesting where normal operations can continue is essential. The moment you start fucking with people's day-to-day is where you lost.

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A youtuber that actually devs and provides tools for the public?

What a gigachad.

If, and that's a big if, this becomes a trend, then we're likely to see the m2 connector locations on the mobo change (at least the primary lane connected to the CPU).

But to your point, this definitely won't fit under a GPU lol

A true autonomous system would have Integrated image recognition chips on the drones themselves, and hardening against any EM interference. They would not have any comms to their 'mothership' once deployed.

Mastodon for the links


Exactly. Spending 2 hours out of each day stuck in traffic for only a 20mile drive is psychotic.

LA's transit system, hell even the idea of a central 'downtown', was never designed for effective mass transit. The metro rails that are expanding are better, but I know so many people that refuse to use it out of fear of being stabbed or mugged, the disgusting homeless encampments that are around the parking lots of the stations, etc..

The thots are assholes right?

Because twitch is a gaming platform, not a PG-13 Onlyfans advertisement platform.

Or is it?

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Wow yeah. The delays have stopped on my end as well today.

Rent is the primary factor for sure, but I think you're downplaying the impact remote work has, and/or not realizing the demand from employees for remote work. Many are taking pay cuts if they can remote work, and that does affect the labor market.

This is nuts lol

Unknown: Killer Robots ?

Do yourself a favor and pick up an SNES emulator and get A Link to the Past. An iconic classic before the iconic classic that was OoT.

I'm out of the loop but I've seen this stated many times now re: .ml. What's the deal with it? I thought it was mostly dev focused with memes and left-leaning stuff?

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Yep. I fully paid for Diablo4 w/ the early access with wow tokens.


But some people don't agree with you. They're not comfortable with tech that can nudify them for millions to see. So if, and that's possibly an impossible task, but if there was a way to punish services that facilitate or turn a blind eye to these things, then you bet your ass many many people would be for criminalizing it.

Pipe dream.

Pertaining to free speech: Is it a growing problem? Or is it a problem that always existed but now we're seeing it all out in the open?

I can't imagine producers, editors, etc.. from 50+ years ago were more open to having topics outside the Overton Window on their shows/print.

If you're talking about China's influence over what gets discussed, then for sure that's concerning and new.

Ad hominem attacks are lazy logical fallacies that show the utter stupidity of people.

The fuck does this old fart's vax position have to do with his allegation of Apple cutting out the Trump rant of his speech?

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Google Search is such an important facet for Alphabet that they must invest as many billions as they can to lead the new generative-AI search. IMO for Google it's more than just a growth opportunity, it's a necessity.

Because the platform is a gaming and gamer-social platform.

Nothing wrong with nudity, just find the appropriate platform for it, not a gaming one.

Humor and art are vastly different than spreading eagle with a black censor bar covering your shit, or drooling and licking a microphone ear to help the incels rub one out.

Please don't insult artists, comedians, or any other talent with comparisons to that.

You're not. The majority of people feel that way, but it's mostly quietly though since saying otherwise publicly would be construed as being 'sexist/misogynistic/puritan/etc/etc'.

Only a tiny fraction of society actively engages in social media. Remember that.

Make who uncomfortable though? Those you are protesting against? Ok sure maybe.

Other citizens that don't have an interest/stake in the matter? Getting them involved isn't wise.

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