Column: Elon Musk is an antisemite. What can anyone do about it? to – 408 points –
Column: Elon Musk is an antisemite. What can anyone do about it?

Stop using his shitty services and supporting him. This is not a hard thing to grasp.

Good luck with that. People always say they're going to leave twitter/X. But they come back. Like they're addicted to it.

I don't know what purpose "Like" serves in the last sentence. They're clearly addicted to it. And not some watered down version of addiction. Some are just as addicted to that form of social media as drug addicts are to opiates or amphetamines. It's become a chemical addiction but their withdrawal symptoms are only mentally observable.

Leave X and let it die, like you should have done when the butt-musk bought the site a year ago. Durr.

I can't believe people still use that site in light of everything we know about Musk. It should have been a ghost town months ago.

I still can't believe people even used it before Musk bought it. Literally any other forum is more effective for engaging with others and being able to follow a discussion.

It’s less that Twitter consumed forums and more that it was practically the final nail in the coffin for RSS feeds.

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What can anyone do about it?

Stop buying from companies he owns.

Stop using services he owns.

This is why I haven't flown with SpaceX

Same. Any minute now I'd be taking my daily jaunt around space, but alas, the major players in the space are Bezos and Musk, so because of my principled stance (and nothing else!) I am going to shit post on the fediverse instead and then maybe play some video games.

Why does the worker class, the larger of the two classes, not simply eat the ruling class?

the larger of the two classes, not simply eat the ruling class?

I wouldn't feed these parasites to dogs - never mind the working class.

Because we’re too busy working and the tools we would use to organize are being bought and tanked by the ruling class.

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Ignore him. The more people forget about him, the more worthless he becomes, in any sense of the word.

Don't type his name. Don't seek him out. Don't write fucking articles about him. Delete him.

If history has taught us anything, it’s to NOT ignore the raging antisemite with a curiously large (and growing) support base…

There's a difference between keeping a watchful eye on someone, and actively platforming them.

Writing articles, striking up casual conversations, and actively bringing attention to him are all things that bolster his existence.

So you're saying the premier American car manufacturer/rocket builder is an anti-Semite?

I'm shocked!

tesla is not the premier car manufacturer. Their cars are dogshit with terrible QC... they just got the current gen tech out before the others (by cutting corners).

as for space ex, their success is largely in spite of his meddling. he has no freaking clue what he's doing with an aerospace company.

Yeah, I guess premier only in terms of inflated stock value. I was considering weighing my words more wisely but figured I couldn't be bothered haha

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Just create an account on Mastodon and slowly move over.

Or don't. No one needs social media. Just quit.

You're using social media right now.

You know, I've been always wondering about what exactly is a social media? Is it place where you can post stuff and chat with other people? Isn't that like a forum? What exactly make it a social media? What if it's anonymous? Etc? Seems like the definitions changes all the time.

Tbh I have fb, Instagram, etc mainly for networking purposes but I didn't consider Reddit a social media. And I don't consider Lemmy a social media either. I think I view them more of "front page of the internet" if you will. Maybe because I'm anonymous here compared to FB, Instagram, etc?

Upvote, but yeah, it's all social media. You're socializing with others. This is true even going back to BBS's, and granted the term was popularized with MySpace and Facebook, but I def consider reddit to be social media. Ditto for lemmy, mastodon, and the fediverse.* The divide for me now is firmly the corpo-verse and the fediverse.

* I guess maybe out there is an instance of whatever that's read only that doesn't allow any interaction, but still.

Elon Musk is an antisemite. What can anyone do about it?

Make him take off his pants and sit on a lighted Menorah.

It is almost Hanukkah season...

Don't even have to wait, candles are lit on Fridays. You don't need 9 candles for this.

I mean... legally? No, not really.

Extra-legally? He has a security team. They could easily arrange an "accident".

Now, sure, extra-judicial executions are generally bad, but I'm willing to make exceptions for billionaires and nazis. And wouldn't you know, this guy is both.

Someone would have to pay them better than Musk does. I'm guessing he doesn't skimp on security guard paychecks.

Nationalize his companies and ensure he has a glowy career future of mining lithium for the batteries (until he dies in agony).

Great now what am I supposed to do with this erection?

I use mine as a prybar to help civil engineers open manholes for easy access to my cities infrastructure. I suppose there's more than one way to filet a feline, however.

I mean... legally? No, not really.

Extra-legally? He has a security team. They could easily arrange an "accident".

Now, sure, extra-judicial executions are generally bad, but I'm willing to make exceptions for billionaires and nazis. And wouldn't you know, this guy is both.

The crux of the issue is that he has supporters. You can claim don’t give him money as a soln for those who don’t like him but there’s still plenty of morons who still worship at his alter.

People will always think celebs are only ever attacked bc of their status so long as they fit into their own in group.

Part of me wonders if it has anything to do with, and how much, bandwagon feminism and not true feminism. Ik that might sound incel-energy but I really don’t think it is. I’m not convinced that mental health or any of the other underlying systemic issues that men face were ever properly solved or supported. If you go with a political stance of fuck the wrong people into the dirt with no remorse because they’re assholes, you kinda just give them more ammo to breed more assholes because you’re the asshole to them.

I think if we all looked at ourselves first, then looked at how others feel, then look at how we behave when knowing both sides, we’re setting up a stronger and stronger form of empathy the more aware we are.

I really don’t think most people would be such pricks had they not grown up in that sort of environment and had proper support for trying to correct inefficient behaviors, communications and so on. Not yo mention other pressures people might face for a wide variety of things like sex preferences, race, class, living situation, home life, addiction, etc. We barely can behave with people of our own caliber and then you wanna throw minorities in the mix? No shot.

Everyone in this argument are fucking morons. How about ya'll stop killing each other and figure out how to stop climate change

Only Elon can stop Elon from being a fascist.

That’s not true.

Sure it is. Are other people able to control your thoughts?

My point is that he isn’t invulnerable. The seemingly mighty are brought low every day.

Okay, I agree with that. That can happen while he remains a fascist, though.

Jack off thinking that it's somehow affecting the richest person on the planet. Spoiler warning, it ain't.