Donald Trump says he never swore oath "to support the Constitution" to – 527 points –
Donald Trump says he never swore oath "to support the Constitution"

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Not just that, but the ones for whom the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution are the beginning, middle, and end of their entire personal identity. They have a section of the Constitution tatooed on their fucking bodies, and they still support a man who would just as soon use the damned thing as toilet paper.

If Trump can argue the technicality that he never specifically said "support", we can argue ths technicality that the 2nd doesn't specifically say "guns".

It says the right to "bear arms." So if I want to graft a pair of cybernetically enhanced black bear arms to my body, I should have the right to do so! (As part of a well organized Bear Arm Militia, of course.)

"So really it's just the right to have bare arms, sleeveless shirts are A-OK!"

Anyone who makes one thing^TM^ their entire raison d'etre is always a little... let's go with off for politeness. But the 2^nd^ Amendment ones are just walking red flags.

The Second Amendment is so awkwardly worded. You can tell it was initially drafted, then the middle part of the sentence (third line on that guy's back) added in later.