YSK: how to painlessly migrate you and us from reddit

albatross@lemmy.world to You Should Know@lemmy.world – 217 points –

Signing up

Pick an interface. Do you prefer to browse Reddit with:

Flip a coin, pick an instance. Are you:

Building momentuum

  • Jumpstart your subscription list using https://redditmigration.com
  • Try commenting or posting. Just try it! Many people who stopped engaging on reddit find the community more rewarding here.
  • Try sticking with Lemmy / Kbin for a few days. Until your fingers learn to get their fix a new way, and you get your subscription list built up a bit.

What next?

Many people are happy at this point… but what to do if you want to help the switch to fediverse but you’re still jonesing for reddit after a few days? A few ideas….

  • Its OK! Reddit simply has more volume and a bigger stack of communities as of Jun 30, 2023. Its /probably/ (?) not going to disappear overnight. Its not an either/or, you can use lemmy / kbin more and more over time.
  • Start your internet browsing time on lemmy / kbin first. If you’re “still hungry”, supplement with reddit.
  • Consider instituting a “read only reddit” policy: no posts, comments, or upvotes. Its MUCH easier to stop adding to Reddit than it is to quit cold turkey. If you don’t like reddit’s behavior, this is a good way to collectively switch momentum toward the fediverse without making big personal sacrifices.

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I'm still having a bit of trouble using Lemmy. I have Jerboa on my phone but I can't use it right now, it says something about a version lower than v0.18 and trying a different instance and I can't log-in on my phone's browser because the circle just keeps spinning. I'm on my laptop and I feel like if I log this out, I'm gonna have troubles logging in again.

I had the same issue. It seems that lemmy.world is not yet upgraded to 0.18, but Jerboa requires it. I was able to fix it by downloaded an older version of Jerboa (specifically, version 0.34 or older).

I later switched to Liftoff, which seems to be a much smoother experience.

People need to stop recommending lemmy.world when it has so many people already; join lemm.ee, vlemmy.net, or lemmy.one instead.

Or see if there's an instance for your local community. For example I'm Dutch, so I joined feddit.nl. This makes filtering by Local (as opposed to Subscribed or All) actually usefully to see what's new on communities on the instance.

Had the same problem, I'm using Connect for Lemmy on Android right now, hope it helps. However I'm using Sync for Lemmy once the development ends

Lemmy.world just upgraded to 0.18 a couple of hours ago. Still a little sluggish but has improved significantly over the last half hour.

Well, part of it is the lemmy.world instance struggling with all the new user influx. The Jerboa issue will hopefully get fixed later today when lemmy.world updates to version 0.18.1 (fingers crossed it sticks this time).

If you are looking for other options to interface with Lemmy, there is a list of all current (and upcoming) apps here: https://lemmy.world/post/465785