Property Values > Everything to – 328 points –

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35m^2 = approximately 377 sqft

There's plenty of small apartments in the United States, just as there's a lot of small (under 1000 sqft) houses. But apparently, the minimum square footage people demand these days for houses is 2,000.

That's a lie. People want smaller houses, but contractor won't build them because it is less profitable.

According to what actually sells the quickest, it's houses between 1500 and 2000 square feet. The median size of homes across the United States is 2,014 square feet.

If there isn't a stock of smaller houses, then there won't be a market for it.

The small houses that remains are the old beat up houses with a ton of work from before WW2 for an absurd price.

If the hot markets only have 2000 sqft houses and bumfuck nowhere have small houses, yeah larger houses will sell faster.

Small 2 bedroom houses under 1000 sqft, even newly renovated, don't sell as well as 3 bedroom houses at least 1500 sqft. This is reality. People have more "stuff" than they used to and that "stuff" requires a larger amount of square footage.